News in 2020
Covid-19 study published!

The study our PIs Ralf Engbert and Sebastian Reich on Sequential Data Assimilation of the Stochastic SEIR Epidemic Model for Regional COVID-19… more ›
Mini Seminar Series on "Non-Gaussian large scale Bayesian inversion"

Our PI Jana de Wiljes organised a Mini Seminiar Series together with the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), which will take place on… more ›
Alexandra Carpentier receives von Kaven-Ehrenpreis 2020

Congratulations! We are very proud that our PI Alexandra Carpentier received the von Kaven Ehrenpreis 2020 awarded by the DFG for her work on the… more ›
Online talk of PhD researcher Lisa Schwetlick at VSS 2020

Our PhD researcher Lisa Schwetlick recorded her talk on 'Adding Attentional Mechanisms to a Scan Path Model' for the Vision Sciences Society (VSS)… more ›
DFG 2020 – für das Wissen entscheiden

Unter dem Motto „Gemeinsam #fürdasWissen“ verweist die DFG auf 100 Jahre freie, erkenntnisgeleitete Wissenschaft, welche durch selbstverwaltete und… more ›
Research stay at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago

From January to March 2020 our PhD student Gregor Pasemann from project A01 went for a research stay to the Illinois Institute of Technology in… more ›
New study on Covid-19 modelling

Our PIs Ralf Engbert and Sebastian Reich together with Maximilian Rabe and Reinhold Kliegl just published the preprint to a study where they modelled… more ›
GAMM Workshop - Registration Open!

The 20th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will take place at the University of Potsdam on the 24th and 25th… more ›
postponed to 2021 - Potsdamer Day of Science - 09. May 20

*Please note that the PTDW 2020 has been cancelled due to the current Corona pandemic* - Details are available on the PTDW webpage This year the… more ›
Research stay in Lille

During three weeks in December, our postdoc Pierre Houdebert, from project A05, did a research at the University of Lille, France, to work with Prof.… more ›
SFB Event 10.01 - 12pm: Combining the academic career with a normal (family-) life

We are very happy to have Julianne Chung and Matthias Chung from Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA) as guest for… more ›