SFB 1294 – Data Assimilation

SFB 1294 is coordinated by the University of Potsdam together with its partner institutions Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin), Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Weierstrass Institute Berlin (WIAS), the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, and the Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau).

Here you find information on the organisation structure and the scientists involved. Furthermore, we present our measures to promote open science as well as diversity and equality.

Steering Committee

SpeakerDeputy SpeakerMembers

Prof. Dr. Melina Freitag

Prof. Dr. Han Cheng Lie

Prof. Dr. Carsten Beta

Prof. Dr. Jana de Wiljes

Prof. Dr. Ralf Engbert

Prof. Dr. Markus Reiß

Management Office

Managing Director

IRTG Coordinator and Gender

and Diversity Consultant

Financial Coordinator

Lydia Stolpmann
t +49 331 977 203137
f +49 331 977 2434

Stella Krüger
t +49 331 977 203160
f +49 331 977 2434


Elke Pigorsch
t +49 331 977 203150
f +49 331 977 2434


SFB 1294 – Data Assimilation
Institute of Mathematics
Karl-Liebknecht Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam – OT Golm

Beta, Carsten, Prof. Dr. Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of PotsdamA01, B02,  B07
Carpentier, Alexandra, Dr. Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamA03
de Wiljes, Jana, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, TU IlmenauA02A03B06B08
Engbert, Ralf, Prof. Dr. Department of Psychology, University of PotsdamB03Z03
Freitag, Melina, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamA07Z02
Großmann, Robert, Dr.Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of PotsdamB07
Holschneider, Matthias, Prof. Dr. Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamB02B04
Huisinga, Wilhelm, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamA04,  B08Z02
Lie, Han Cheng, JProf. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamA04A07
Lucke, Ulrike, Prof. Dr.Institute of Computer Science, University of PotsdamZ03
Opper, Manfred, Prof. Dr.  Institute of Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science, TU BerlinA06B07B08
Rabovsky, Milena, Prof. Dr.Department of Psychology, University of PotsdamB09
Reich, Sebastian, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamA02,  A06,  B03, B09, Z01
Reiß, Markus, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, HU BerlinA01,  A04
Shprits, Yuri, Prof. Dr.   GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences and Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of PotsdamB06
Spokoiny, Vladimir, Prof. Dr.Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, BerlinA06
Stannat, Wilhelm, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, TU BerlinA01A02
Zöller, Gert, apl. Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamB04

Former PIs (1st funding period):

Blanchard, Gilles, Prof. Dr. Institut de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris SaclayA03,  A04,  A05
Roelly, Sylvie, Prof. Dr.Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamA01,  A05, Z02
Scheffer, Tobias, Prof. Dr. Institute of Informatics and Computational Science, University of PotsdamB05,  Z03
Stolle, Claudia, Prof. Dr.GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and Institute of Mathematics, University of PotsdamB06

We provide opportunities and special training for our members and young researchers to support them in their personal career development.  

Our specific measures towards equal opportunity

  • Structures and funding for career development: A range of transferable skill training courses are offered including proposal writing, presenting in general and at conferences, science communication and many more. We collaborate closely with the Potsdam Graduate School (link https://www.pogs.uni-potsdam.de/), which offers training for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. We offer courses for all gender, however a number of them are especially designed for female researchers and focus e.g. on their personal career paths and goals by offering professional techniques to overcome female specific obstacles.
  • Coaching: the SFB funds coaching sessions specifically designed for the needs of the members of the SFB and specifically offers coaching to empower female scientists.
  • MentoringPlus: Individual mentoring for female researchers is provided by our partners from the PoGS (verlinken: uni-potsdam.de/de/pogs/career-development/mentoring-plus.html) and supported by the SFB 1294. The program included three main pillars, which are 1) the mentor-mentee relationship, 2) training in the form of workshops and 3) networking and networking opportunities.
  • Providing role models: The SFB 1294 strives to invite accomplished female scientists as guest speakers to colloquia and seminars. We will furthermore provide an opportunity for our female PhD students and junior scientists to have additional informal discussions with these female role models.

Gender and Diversity Board

We aim to maintain and further improve our gender balance while ensuring an optimal allocation qualified candidates to their preferred projects. One of the tasks of the Gender Equality and Diversity Board is to oversee recruitment and ensure a diverse cohort of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. 

Board MembersAffiliation

Carsten Beta, Prof. Dr.

Alexandra Carpentier, Prof. Dr.

Han Cheng Lie, J.-Prof. Dr.

University of Potsdam

University of Potsdam

University of Potsdam

Our Gender and Diversity Board is supported by our Gender and Diversity Consultant Stella Krüger in the CRC Coordination Office.

Family support

We aim at providing a family friendly working environment, especially for families with young children and offer the following support measures.

  • Childcare is offered and advertised for every SFB 1294 Colloquium, Spring School, Retreat etc. and after-office-hour event. We can organize ‘childcare-at-home’ and ‘childcare-at-work’.
  • If you need to bring your children to work on short notice, we packed special bags with toys, books and games to keep your children entertained and happy, while you can work.
  • We support flexible working hours and working from home, e.g. if your child is ill, and provide laptops for these occasions.
  • We actively support members of our SFB’s before, during and after parental leave, e.g. in form of childcare, student assistants (where appropriate and possible), advisory structures to support work-life balance

We are committed to Open Science. In addition to preprints and publications we also provide PDF’S of presentations from guests in our Colloquia and Seminars, videos of talks and a whole range of other outreach activities.