On recently developed non-Gaussian priors and sampling methods with application to industrial tomography
Lassi Roininen, Technische Universität Lappeenranta, Finland - 11:15
We consider two sets of new priors for Bayesian inversion and machine learning: The first one is based on mixture of experts models with Gaussian processes. The target is to estimate the number of experts and their parameters, and to make state estimation. For sampling, we use SMC^2. For non-Gaussian priors, we continue the discussion on Cauchy priors and the generalization to high-order Cauchy fields and further generalization to alpha-stable fields. For sampling, we use a selection of modern MCMC tools. Finally, we apply some of the methods and models to an industrial tomography problem on estimating log internal structure, measured at sawmills, based on X-ray, RGB camera and laser scanning.
invited by Jana de Wiljes