Kick-off workshop

Please join us for the Kick-Off Workshop of SFB 1294, where members of our collaborative research center and invited guests will discuss the newest…

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Spring School 2018


The SFB will organize annually a Spring School during which all members of the SFB learn about recent scientific advances from our guest speakers and…

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Zukunftstag 2018

Campus Golm, Haus 29

Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schüler der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten. Dazu…

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Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften

Campus Golm, Haus 28- Foyer rechts und Seminarraum 0.10413:00 - 20:00

Der Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2018 findet dieses Jahr auf dem Campus Golm statt. Wir werden mit dem SFB natürlich auch vertreten sein! Besuchen…

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I, Scientist Conference

Bunsen Saal, Volmerstraße 2, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof

We are happy to support the '<link https: _blank>I, Scienstist' Conference on gender, career paths and networking, which will take place on the 25th and 26th of May this…

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Neural Particle Filter and Beyond

Simone Surace, University of Zürich, ETH Zürich and University of Bern, Switzerland - 11:00

Perception can be seen as unconscious inference in a dynamically changing environment and formalized as nonlinear Bayesian filtering. A heuristic…

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Coder Dojo


Our next Coder Dojo will take place on Saturday the 12th of January 2019 from 11am to 3pm.

Come and join us to learn more about the robots Dash and…

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Spring School 2019


The second annual SFB Spring School will take place from the 18th (arrival on the 17th) to the 22nd of March 2019 at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen.


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Zukunftstag 2019

9:00 - 13:00

Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schüler der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten. Dazu…

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2nd Kalman Lecture

Karen E. Willcox, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas, USA 2.25.F1.0110:15 - 11:15

Predictive data science for physical systems: From model reduction to scientific machine learning

Achieving predictive data science for physical…

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Women-Network-Meeting - 16:30

We are very please to have our next SFB Women-Networking-Meeting with Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik, which will take place on the 23.01. at 3 pm. Come…

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Spring School 2020


-Unfortunatly our Spring School has to be cancelled due to the current situation concering the Corona Virus-

Participants will be informed in detail…

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Reproducibility Workshop

online workshop9:00 - 15:00

Reproducibility is one of the fundamentals of scientific results, yet we sometimes don't follow agreed-upon best practices. In the early 2010s, this…

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cancelled - Kayo Ide

Kayo Ide, University of Maryland online15:00 - 16:00

Unfortunately we had to cancel this Colloquium.


invited by Yuri Shprits

***Due to the current pandemic this colloquium will be conducted online.…

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A duality formulation for filter stability

Jin Won Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA online via Zoom, pls contact Wilhelm Stannat if you would like to join16:15

In this talk, I revisit the problem of filter stability based on certain dual optimal control-type reformulations of the nonlinear filtering problem.

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The Dynamics of Controlled Atoms and Molecules

Anja Seegebrecht, University of Potsdam online via Zoom, please contact Christian Riedel for details10:00 - 10:45

Our long term student assistant, Anja Seegebrecht, from project Z03 will give an overview over the topic of her master thesis, which was conducted at…

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Spring School 2022

The annual SFB Spring School 2022 will take place from the 21st (arrival on the 20th) to the 25nd of March 2022 at the Hotel Döllnsee-Schorfheide.


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On the duality for nonlinear filtering

Jin W. Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.2210:00 - 11:30

In this talk, I will present the dual control system for the hidden Markov model (HMM). This is a direct extension of classical duality between…

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Zukunftstag 2022

Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schüler der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten. Dazu…

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Stochastic Modelling with few Parameters

Philipp Meyer, UFS Data-centric Sciences, University of Potsdam Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 0.1210:15-11:15

Simple stochastic models can describe the fluctuations of a time series. A good way to get a first impression of the data is to look at the mean…

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SFB Annual Meeting 2022

Campus Golm, building 6, lecture hall H05

The Annual Meeting of the SFB 1294 will take place from 13th to 14th of September at the Campus Griebnitzsee in building 6. In addition to SFB…

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1st Potsdam DA Days

Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 6

This symposium will kick off the new event format of the SFB - the Potsdam DA Days!

The joint ‘Symposium on Inverse Problems: From experimental data…

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Women Networking Lunch

Campus Golm, building 29, 2.5812:00 - 13:00

Our SFB Women Networking Lunch with Femke Vossepoel (Delft University of Technology) and Svetlana Dubinkina (Vrije University Amsterdam) provides a…

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Women Networking Lunch

Campus Golm, building 29, 2.5812:00 - 13:00

Our SFB Women Networking Lunch with Claire Vernade (DeepMind) provides a chance to talk about career, chances and how to overcome hurdles as female in…

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Zukunftstag 2023

Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schülerinnen der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten.…

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Hurst index estimation for SPDEs

Pavel Kriz, Charles University HU Berlin (Rudower Chaussee 25, room: 3.008)13:15 - 17:45

Hurst index determines regularity, self-similarity and autocovariance structure of a fractional Brownian motion (fBm). Although there is a vast…

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Networking Meeting - 11:45

Our CRC Networking Meeting with Karen Veroy-GRepl and Martin Grepl provides a chance to talk about career, chances, and the challenges for couples in…

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Potsdam DA Days 2023

Campus Griebnitzsee, building 6, lecture hall H01 & H02

The Potsdam DA Days 2023 will take place from September 11th to 13th at Campus Griebnitzsee at the University of Potsdam and will be joined by…

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IRTG Networking Meeting

Joaquín Miguez & David Albers - 15:00

Our IRTG Networking Meeting with Joaquín Miguez and David Albers provides a chance to talk about career, chances, and the challenges in academia.

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A tensor bidiagonalization method for singular value decomposition of third order tensors

Lothar Reichel, Kent State University - 11:45

The need to know a few singular triplets associated with the largest singular values of a third-order tensor arises in data compression and extraction. This paper describes a new method for their computation using the t-product. Methods for deter mining a couple of singular triplets associated with the smallest singular values also are presented. The proposed methods generalize available restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization methods for computing a few of the largest or smallest singular triplets of a matrix. The methods of this paper use Ritz and harmonic Ritz lateral slices to determine accurate approximations of the largest and smallest singular triplets, respectively. Computed examples show applications to data compression and face recognition. more ›