All Events
Opening Celebration
We invite you to join our opening celebration of the SFB 1294 at the Potsdamer Wissenschaftsetage (room Schwarzschild) at 3 pm on Tuesday the 04 of…
more ›Adaptive convergence results for numerical efficient Bayesian methods
Jan van Waaj, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Minimization-based sampling from the posterior distribution for inverse problems with Gaussian prior distributions
Dean S. Oliver, Uni Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research, Bergen, Norway
Inverse problems for subsurface ow are typically characterized by large numbers of para- meters (e.g. coef cients of PDEs describing ow and transport)…
more ›Phase transition in mean-field games: An application to synchronization of coupled oscillators
Prashant Mehta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 2.09.014Begin: 14:00
This talk is concerned with phase transition and self-organization in mean-field games.
The motivation comes from the following sequence of events…
more ›Improving Data Assimilation by Surfing the Waves
Juan Restrepo, Oregon State University, USA
The use of models and data, via data assimilation, is one ofthe strategies pursued to improve climate and weather predictions and retrodictions. In…
more ›Kick-off workshop
Please join us for the Kick-Off Workshop of SFB 1294, where members of our collaborative research center and invited guests will discuss the newest…
more ›Stochastic Models of Gene Expression
Philippe Robert, INRIA, Paris
Protein production is a key process of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells consuming more that 80% of their resources. The cytoplasm of the cell being a…
more ›Comparing deep neural networks against humans: Object recognition with weak signals
Felix Wichmann, Universität Tübingen, Germany
The visual recognition of objects by humans in everyday life is typically rapid and effortless. Until very recently, animate visual systems were the…
more ›On the use of the particle filter for geomechanical parameter estimation when monitoring subsidence due to hydrocarbon extraction
Femke Vossepoel, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Fluid extraction from a subsurface hydrocarbon reservoir results in compaction of the reservoir, in particular cases leading to subsidence and induced…
more ›A class of nonlinear filters induced by local couplings
Alessio Spantini, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
We introduce a class of structure-exploiting nonlinear filters for high-dimensional state-space models with intractable transition kernels. The idea…
more ›Distributional Uncertainty in Uncertainty Quantification
Tim Sullivan, Zuse Institute Berlin and Freie Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Pharmacometrics: Analysing and understanding variability and uncertainty in clinical data
Charlotte Kloft, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Generative Deep Learning
Sebastian Stober, University of Potsdam
A short introduction into Deep Learning will be followed by an overview on Deep Generative Models. This will include energy based models (Boltzmann…
more ›Multi-stability & Fixational Eye Movements: an energy potential modeling approach
Kevin Parisot, GIPSA-Lab Grenoble - 11:45
Financial Market History: Reflections on the Past for Applied Mathematician today
Nicole El Karoui, Ecole Polytechnique, France - 10:15
After World War II, the Bretton Woods Conference designed a new international
monetary order, establishing the supremacy of the dollar, while…
Minimax optimality in Robust Detection of disorder times in Doubly Stochastic Poisson Process
Nicole El Karoui, Ecole Polytechnique, Franc - 11:45
We consider the minimax quickest detection problem of an unobservable time of proportional
change in the intensity of a doubly-stochastic Poisson…
Data Assimilation: Past, Present and Future
Michael Ghil, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
We introduce basic ideas and methods of data assimilation in meteorology and oceanography, and illustrate their progress from numerical weather…
more ›Machine Learning for Sensor Fusion in Positioning and Navigation
Arno Solin, Aalto University, Finland - 11:00
Low-cost and noisy sensor sources in modern smartphones introduce both interesting possibilities for new applications, and challenges for inference…
more ›Data Assimilation in Autonomous Vehicles
Erin Linebarger, University of Utah, USA - 12:00
Guidance of autonomous vehicles (AVs) poses different challenges for data assimilation methods than geophysical applications, requiring novel…
more ›Improving MCMC samplers with spectral theory and optimal transport
Nikolas Nüsken, Imerpial College London, UK
Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods are popular tools in Bayesian statistics and molecular dynamics to draw samples from a given probability…
more ›On stability of a class of Kalman - Bucy filters for systems with non - linear dynamics
Toni Karvonen, Aalto University, Finland
This talk discusses stability of a class of Kalman-Bucy filters (including the classical extended Kalman-Bucy filter) for continuous-time systems with…
more ›Composing stochastic quasi-Newton-Type algorithms
Thomas Schön, Uppsala University - 14:00
In this talk I will focus on one of our recent developments where we show how the Gaussian process (GP) can be used to solve stochastic optimization…
more ›Spring School 2018
The SFB will organize annually a Spring School during which all members of the SFB learn about recent scientific advances from our guest speakers and…
more ›Women-Networking-Lunch
Our first SFB Women-Networking-Lunch with Prof. Dr. Carola Schönlieb will take part during the SFB SpringSchool and provide a chance to talk about…
more ›The Intrinsic Geometry of Scale - Free Networks
Tobias Friedrich, Hasso Plattner Institute
The node degrees of large real-world networks often follow a power-law distribution. Such scale-free networks can be social networks, internet…
more ›Zukunftstag 2018
Campus Golm, Haus 29
Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schüler der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten. Dazu…
more ›On periodic signals in stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley models
Reinhard Höpfner, Universität Mainz, Germany - 11:45
We consider a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model where dendritic input -modelled as an autonomous SDE which depends on a deterministic T-periodic signal…
more ›Thermodynamic limit and phase transitions in non-cooperative games: some mean-field examples
Paolo dai Pra, University of Padua - 17:45
In stochastic dynamics inspired by Statistical Mechanics the interaction between different particles, or agents, is usually …
Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften
Campus Golm, Haus 28- Foyer rechts und Seminarraum 0.10413:00 - 20:00
Der Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2018 findet dieses Jahr auf dem Campus Golm statt. Wir werden mit dem SFB natürlich auch vertreten sein! Besuchen…
more ›A nonparametric estimation problem for linear SPDEs
Randolf Altmeyer/ Markus Reiß, HU Berlin WIAS, Erhard-Schmidt Hörsaal, Mohrenstraße 39, 10117 Berlin10:00 - 12:30
It is well-known that parameters in the drift part of a stochastic ordinary differential equation, observed continuously on a time interval [0, T ],…
I, Scientist Conference
Bunsen Saal, Volmerstraße 2, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof
We are happy to support the '<link https: _blank>I, Scienstist' Conference on gender, career paths and networking, which will take place on the 25th and 26th of May this…
more ›Approximate Kernel Embeddings of Distributions
Dino Sejdinovic, University of Oxford, UK - 11:45
Kernel embeddings of distributions and the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), the resulting probability metric, are useful tools for fully nonparametric…
more ›Measures for diffusion, ergodicity & ageing
Ralf Metzler, Universität Potsdam - 11:45
After a short introduction into the history of Brownian motion I will present
the stochastic motion in several physical systems, in particular with…
Parameter estimation problems for parabolic SPDEs
Igor Cialenco, Illinois Institute of Technology Weierstrass-Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Erhard-Schmidt-Hörsaal, Mohrenstraße 39, 10117 Berlin10:00 -12:30
In the first part of the talk we will discuss the parameter estimation problem using Bayesian approach for the drift coefficient of some linear …
more ›Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
Während der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften ist der SFB 1294 mit seinem Teilprojekt <link>B06 am GFZ auf dem Telegrafenberg/in der Behlertstraße 3a…
more ›Overview on stochastic models, McKean-Vlasov dynamics and their applications
Jean-Francois Jabir, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
This seminar aims to give a broad and straightforward presentation on fundamental aspects related to the theory and application of continuous-time…
more ›Finite or infinite predictability horizon?
Tsz Yan Leung, University of Readings, UK
It is well-accepted that the chaotic nature of atmospheric dynamics imposes an inherent finite limit of predictabil- ity. The idea originated from a…
more ›Numerical Methods in Visual Computing: what we can learn from each other
Uri Ascher, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada - 11:45
Visual computing is a wide area that includes computer graphics and image processing, where the “eyeball-norm” rules. I will discuss two case studies…
Balancing robustness and accuracy in high resolution hydrological models
Sabine Attinger, Universität Potsdam
Anthropogenic warming is anticipated to impact the hydrological cycle tremendously in the future. However, projections are accompanied by large…
more ›A review of the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequences (ETAS) model: 30 years of modeling seismicity
Maximilian Werner, University of Bristol, UK - 11:45
Earthquakes seldom come alone. They occur in temporal and spatial clusters, occasionally preceded by foreshocks, always followed by aftershocks, and…
more ›Entropic and optimal transport
Christian Léonard, Université Paris Nanterre
The Schrödinger problem is an entropy minimization problem on a set of path measures with prescribed initial and final marginals. It arises from a…
more ›Localization for high dimensional data assimilation and MCMC
Xin Tong, National University of Singapore - 11:45
High dimensionality often appears in data assimilation and Bayesian sampling problems. It is prohibitive for most classical computational…
more ›1st Kalman-Lecture of the SFB
Andrew Stuart, Caltech (California Institute of Technology), USA 11:45
The Legacy of Rudolph Kalman
In 1960 Rudolph Kalman published what is arguably the first paper to develop a systematic, principled approach to the…
more ›Integrated approaches to investigate reactive transport processes in soil and groundwater
Irina Engelhardt, Technische Universität Berlin - 11:45
The presentation gives an overview about experimental and numerical approaches to analyze reactive transport processes in soils and groundwater.…
more ›Postponed due to illness- Kabinettwatch: Wer wird was im Bundeskabinett?
Markus Seyfried, Universität Potsdam, Germany - 11:45
This talk is postponed due to illness. The new date will be announced under events.
Dieser Vortrag wird krankheitsbedingt leider nicht statt finden.…
more ›Talk moved to Friday, 09.11. 10:15 am - Image-based modelling of problems in cell motility
Till Bretschneider, The University of Warwick, UK -11:45
This talk has been moved to Friday, the 09.11. at 10:15 in lecture hall 0.108, building 28, Campus Golm.
Mathematical modelling has been key to…
more ›Image-based modelling of problems in cell motility
Till Bretschneider, The University of Warwick, UK -11:45
Mathematical modelling has been key to understanding the mechanics of cell shapes and the theoretical principles behind the complex spatio-temporal…
more ›Postponed - Equal-weight particle filters for high-dimensional geoscience applications
Peter Jan van Leeuwen, University of Readings, UK - 11:45
This talk has been postponed- we will inform you about the new date in the Events section.
Particle filters hold the promise of fully nonlinear data…
more ›Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods on Hilbert spaces
Jakiw Pidstrigach, University of Bonn - 11:00
When sampling measures on Hilbert spaces one option is to first discretize the space and then apply standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. This…
more ›A Causal approach to spring-to-summer climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere
Elena Saggioro, University of Reading, UK - 11:45
The coupling between stratospheric and tropospheric dynamics is currently a topic of major interest [1,2]. In the context of the Southern…
more ›Dances with Drones: Using Google’s TFLite for Autonomous Control of Aerial Drones by Gesture Recognition
Erin Linebarger, University of Utah (US) and SFB 1294, University of Potsdam - 11:45
Scientific app development for implementing robotics controllers and machine learning algorithms has become much easier with the introduction of tools…
more ›Hawkes Processes with Sigmoid Gaussian Excitations
César Ojeda, Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS - 11:45
We propose a Hawkes point process model for point processes where the excitations are modulated via a Gaussian process prior with a sigmoid link…
more ›Neural Particle Filter and Beyond
Simone Surace, University of Zürich, ETH Zürich and University of Bern, Switzerland - 11:00
Perception can be seen as unconscious inference in a dynamically changing environment and formalized as nonlinear Bayesian filtering. A heuristic…
more ›FEAT: Fixation control by Evidence Accumulation to Threshold
Casimir Ludwig, University of Bristol
Models of eye movement control differ in the extent to which fixation duration is controlled directly by…
more ›Piecewise-deterministic Markov chain Monte Carlo
Arnaud Doucet, Oxford University - 11:45
A novel class of continuous-time non-reversible Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based on piecewise-deterministic processes has recently emerged. In…
more ›Validity of linear response theory in high-dimensional deterministic dynamical systems
Caroline Wormell, University of Sydney and SFB visiting PhD research fellow
Many physical problems, most importantly the quantification of climate change, involve estimating the response of a deterministic chaotic dynamical…
more ›Specification of the Near-Earth Space Environment using Data Assimilation Techniques
Ludger Scherliess, Utah State University - 11:45
Over the past decades physics-based data assimilation models have been used in many areas of science and engineering and have found extensive use in…
more ›Coder Dojo
Our next Coder Dojo will take place on Saturday the 12th of January 2019 from 11am to 3pm.
Come and join us to learn more about the robots Dash and…
more ›Deterministic Sequential Monte Carlo for non-Gaussian elliptic problems
Sangeetika Ruchi, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 16:45
Sequential Monte Carlo methods (SMC) are typically stochastic. Ensemble Transform Particle filter (ETPF) is a deterministic SMC method. It, however,…
more ›Uniform estimates for particle filters
Pierre del Moral, INRIA, Bordeaux Research Center, University of Bordeaux, France
This talk is concerned with the long time behavior of particle filters and Ensemble Kalman filters. These filters can be interpreted as mean field…
more ›Nash Equilibria for Stochastic Games with Singular Control.
Jodi Dianetti, Universität Bielefeld
A singular stochastic control problem typically describes the situation in which
an agent has to choose optimally an irreversible strategy in order to…
Short course on Lévy Processes - Part 1
Ester Mariucci, Universität Potsdam room from 14:15 - 15:45 and room from 16:15 - 17:4514:15 - 17:45
Part 1: Why do we add jumps to the Brownian motion?
In the first part of the mini course we will focus on jump processes with independent and…
more ›Pharmacometrics: Analysing and understanding variability and uncertainty in clinical data
Charlotte Kloft , Freie Universität Berlin - 11:45
For new medicines to be approved for therapeutic use, three internationally accepted criteria have to be met: efficacy, safety, quality. Yet, in drug…
more ›Short course on Lévy Processes - Part 2
Ester Mariucci, Universtiät Potsdam room from 14:15 - 15:45 and room from 16:15 - 17:4514:15 - 16:45
Part 2: Statistics for jump processes
In the second part of the mini course, we will discuss how to estimate the Lévy measure from discrete…
more ›Spring School 2019
The second annual SFB Spring School will take place from the 18th (arrival on the 17th) to the 22nd of March 2019 at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen.
more ›Women-Networking- Lunch
Our second SFB Women-Networking-Lunch with Prof. Dr. Adele Diederich will take part during the SFB SpringSchool and provide a chance to talk about…
more ›Zukunftstag 2019
9:00 - 13:00
Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schüler der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten. Dazu…
more ›Asymptotic equivalence for diffusion processes and the corresponding Euler scheme
Ester Mariucci, Universität Potsdam, SFB 1294, Germany - 11:15
When looking for asymptotic results for some statistical model, global asymptotic equivalence, in the Le Cam sense, often proves to be a useful…
more ›Joint Workshop of TRR 181, SFB 1114 and SFB 1294
This three-day workshop will review our state of knowledge on energy budgets and energy transfers in the climate system and how they are …
Joined Colloquium of SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 with Felix Otto - Effective behavior of random media
Felix Otto, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, Germany Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 6, lecture hall H0310:15 -11:15
Felix Otto will speak as invited guest during this joint colloquium of SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 on the
Effective Behavior of random media
Abstract: In…
more ›Assimilating data with outer probability measures
Jeremie Houssineau, University of Warwick, UK - 14:00
Although using probability distributions to model uncertainty is by far the most widely accepted approach, it does not come without inconveniences. A…
more ›All-at-once versus reduced formulations of inverse problems and their regularization
Barbara Kaltenbacher, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt - 11:15
Parameter identification problems typically consist of a model equation, e.g. (systems of) ordinary or partial differential equations, and the…
more ›Kabinettwatch: Wer wird was im Bundeskabinett?
Julia Fleischer, Universität Potsdam - 11:15
Talk by Julia Fleischer and Markus Seyfried
Das Projekt Kabinettwatch beschäftigt sich mit der Vorhersage der Zusammensetzung des Bundeskabinetts…
more ›An extension of Dobrushin's uniqueness criterion and applications to Gibbs point processes
Tanja Pasurek, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
We extend the classical Dobrushin's uniqueness criterion to Markov random fields on general graphs and with single-spin spaces that need not be…
more ›Downscaling Data Assimilation Algorithm for Dissipative Evolution Models Employing Coarse Mesh Observables
Edriss Titi, Texas A&M University, USA - 11:15
One of the main characteristics of infinite-dimensional dissipative evolution equations, such as the Navier-Stokes equations and reaction-diffusion…
more ›Co-organized Training School on Data Assimilation: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Université de Montréal08.-10.05.2019
The training school is part of the 50th anniversary program initiated by the CRM (Centre de recherches mathématiques) and will take place at the…
more ›Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2019
Campus Fachhochschule Potsdam
Der Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2019 findet dieses Jahr auf dem Campus der Fachhochschule Potsdam statt. Wir werden mit dem SFB natürlich auch…
more ›Co-organized workshop - Data Assimilation: Methodology and Application
University of Montreal15.05-17.05.2019
The workshop is part of the 50th anniversary program initiated by the CRM (Centre de recherches mathématiques) and will take place at the University…
more ›Non–linear functionals preserving normal distribution and their asymptotic normality
Linda Khachatryan, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Science of RA, Yerevan, Armenia
We introduce sufficiently wide classes of non-linear functionals preserving normal (Gaussian) distribution and establish various conditions under…
more ›Engineering of Chemical Complexity - 10th International Conference
Seminaris See Hotel Potsdam03.-06.06.2019
The 10th International Conference 'Engineering of Chemical Complexity' will take place at the Seminaris See Hotel in Potsdam from 3rd to the 6th of…
more ›Ecological Validity of the N170 – a mobile EEG study
Peter König, Universität Osnabrück - 11:15
Are event related potentials, well investigated under laboratory
conditions, a signature of cortical processing during natural behavior?
Probabilistic Linear Solvers
Jon Cockayne, University of Warwick, UK - 11:15
A fundamental task in numerical computation is the solution of large linear systems, and iterative methods are among the most widely used solvers for…
more ›Neuronal networks and functional connectivity
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret , CNRS/University of Nice, France - 11:15
After giving a short introduction to biological neuronal networks and their
main properties, I will explain why neurobiologists are interested by
'Speed- Dating' am Bauzaun
Treffen Sie einige unserer Wissenschaftler an der Zaun-Ausstellung und fragen Sie sie was Sie schon immer zu dem Thema interessiert hat!
Von 15:30-…
more ›Kalman-Wasserstein Gradient Flows
Franca Hoffmann, California Institute of Technology, USA - 11:15
We study a class of interacting particle systems that may be used for optimization. By considering the mean-field limit one obtains a nonlinear…
more ›Fully Hyperbolic Convolutional Neural Networks
Eldad Haber, The University of British Colombia, Canada
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have recently seen tremendous success in various computer vision tasks. However, their application to problems…
more ›Applied Data Assimilation: diabetes phenotyping/forecasting + hybrid machine learning approaches
Matthew Levine, California Institute of Technology, USA - 11:15
Methods from data assimilation, inverse problems, and machine learning have shown exciting potential for transforming biomedicine.
First, I will show…
more ›Efficient implementation of an iterative ensemble smoother for big-data assimilation and reservoir history matching
Geir Evensen, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Norway - 11:15
Raanes et al. (2019) revised the iterative ensemble smoother of Chen and Oliver (2013), denoted Ensemble Randomized Maximum Likelihood (EnRML), using…
more ›What is the Lagrangian for Nonlinear Filtering?
Prashant Mehta, University of Illinois, USA - 11:15
There is a certain magic involved in recasting the equations in Physics, and the algorithms in Engineering, in variational terms. The most classical…
more ›Stellar Astrophysics: the power of simultaneous high resolution stellar spectroscopy, polarimetry and velocimetry. - Rotation, activity and stellar magnetic fields in the A0 standard star Vega
Torsten Böhm, Université de Toulouse - 12:00
Neo-Narval at TBL/Pic du Midi (France) will be the first instrument working simultaneously in high resolution spectroscopy, polarimetry and…
more ›Ensemble Data Assimilation for Coupled Models of the Earth System
Lars Nerger, Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Science, Bremerhaven, Germany 11:15
Coupled models simulate different compartments of the Earth system as well as their interactions. For example coupled ocean-biogoechemical models…
more ›I, Scientist Conference
Strasse des 17. Juni 135
We are very happy to support the 'I, Scienstist' Conference on gender, career paths and networking for the second time running. The conference s…
more ›SFB 1294 Annual Meeting 2019
3.06.H01 and S139:00 - 6:00
The annual meeting of SFB1294 will take place on the 23rd of September at the Campus Griebnitzsee.
Please find more information here.
more ›Jamboree 2019 (internal - IRTG and associated members)
This year Jamboree for all members of the IRTG as well as associated members will take place from the 25th to the 27th of Sepember.
Please see the…
more ›2nd Kalman Lecture
Karen E. Willcox, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas, USA 2.25.F1.0110:15 - 11:15
Predictive data science for physical systems: From model reduction to scientific machine learning
Achieving predictive data science for physical…
more ›Women-Networking-Meeting
Karen E. Willcox, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences pm
We are very happy to have Prof. Dr. Karen Willcox from Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences and the University of Texas (USA) as guest…
more ›Data assimilation for the stochastic one-layer rotating shallow water system driven by transport noise
Oana Lang, Imperial College London, UK -11:15
In this talk we will present a data assimilation problem based on a new stochastic rotating shallow
water (SRSW) signal and an adaptive tempering…
Numerical integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler
Jesus Sanz-Serna, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - 11:15
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) method is a widely used Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that offers the possibility of combining high acceptance…
more ›Regret analysis of the Piyavskii-Shubert algorithm
Sébastien Gerchinovitz, IRT Saint-Exupéry, Toulouse, France (large Lecture hall)10:15 - 11:15
We consider the problem of maximizing a non-concave Lipschitz function f over a bounded domain in dimension d. In this talk we provide regret…
more ›Distances for discretely observed jump processes and applications in nonparametric statistics
Ester Mariucci, Universität Potsdam - 11:15
The concept of distance is ancient and ubiquitous. Being able to quantify the distance between objects has important applications everywhere in…
more ›Christmas CoderDojo
Our next CoderDojo will take place on Saturday the 30.11. from 11 am to 3 pm and there will be a whole bunch of new exciting stations available.
more ›Using data assimilation, systems physiology, and healthcare data to forecast physiology in an intensive care unit: why it is important, what is possible, what is hard, and the state of the art
David Albers, University of Colorado, USA - 16:00
Bayesian Inference Made Easy via Auxiliary Augmentations
Theo Galy-Fajou, Technische Universität Berlin - 14:00
Bayesian Inference is almost always a very challenging mathematical and computational problem. In the context of Gaussian Process, only a Gaussian…
more ›Low dimensional approximation of weak constraint variational data assimilation
Melina Freitag, Universität Potsdam - 11:15
Weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation is an important method for incorporating data (typically observations) into a model.…
more ›Advancements in Hybrid Iterative Methods for Inverse Problems
Julianne Chung, Virginia Tech - 11:00
n many physical systems, measurements can only be obtained on the exterior of an object (e.g., the human body or the earth's crust), and the goal is…
more ›Challenges in Dynamical Systems Inference: New Approaches for Parameter and Uncertainty Estimation
Matthias Chung, Virginia Tech - 12:00
Mathematical modeling has been a key tool in various scientific fields (such as biology, medicine, and engineering) in understanding systems dynamics.…
more ›Combining the academic career with a normal (family-) life - 14:00
We are very happy to have Julianne Chung and Matthias Chung from Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA) as guest for…
more ›Women-Network-Meeting - 16:30
We are very please to have our next SFB Women-Networking-Meeting with Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik, which will take place on the 23.01. at 3 pm. Come…
more ›Machine Learning for Enhanced Mobility
Katharina Morik, TU Dortmund, Germany - 11:15
Mobility is an important topic, because on the one hand, the global world requires mobility of people and goods, but on the other hand, we suffer from…
more ›Data-driven reconstruction of chaotic dynamics using data assimilation and machine learning
Marc Bocquet, École des Ponts ParisTech, France - 11:15
Recent progress in machine learning has shown how to forecast and, to some extent, learn the dynamics of a model from observations, resorting in…
more ›Implicit equation-free methods applied on noisy slow-fast systems
Anna Dittus, Universität Rostock TU Berlin Mathematikgebäude Raum MA74814:15 - 15:15
Slow-fast systems consist of slow macroscopic and fast microscopic dynamics. By using equation-free methods, one can do a complete bifurcation…
more ›Posterior Inference for Sparse Hierarchical Non-stationary Models
Lassi Roininen, University of Oulu, Finland - 11:00
Gaussian processes are valuable tools for non-parametric modelling, where typically an assumption of stationarity is employed. While removing this…
more ›Statistics for chaotic dynamics and random patterns
Heikki Haario, LUT University (Technische Universität Lappeenranta), Finland - 12:00
We discuss methods for creating Gaussian likelihoods for data that does not directly follow any known statistics. Obvious summary statistics are…
more ›Contaminant dispersal, numerical simulation, and stochastic PDEs
Tony Shardlow, University of Bath, UK - 14:00
Atmospheric dispersal of contaminants such as ash can be modelled by stochastic differential equations coupled to a large-scale weather model. We…
more ›Multilevel ensemble Kalman filtering algorithms
Hakon Hoel, RWTH Aachen - 11:15
The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a Monte-Carlo-based sequential filtering
method that is often both robust and efficient, but its performance may…
Relaxation techniques for PDE-constrained optimization in inverse problems
Tristan van Leeuwen, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands - 11:15
PDE-constrained optimization problems arise in many applications, including inverse problems and optimal control. As optimization over both the…
more ›-Cancelled- Convergence rates for optimised adaptive importance samplers
Ömer Deniz Akyıldız, Universtiy of Warwick - 11:15
Adaptive importance samplers are adaptive Monte Carlo algorithms to estimate expectations with respect to some target distribution which…
more ›Spring School 2020
-Unfortunatly our Spring School has to be cancelled due to the current situation concering the Corona Virus-
Participants will be informed in detail…
more ›Reproducibility Workshop
online workshop9:00 - 15:00
Reproducibility is one of the fundamentals of scientific results, yet we sometimes don't follow agreed-upon best practices. In the early 2010s, this…
more ›-cancelled- Variational Monte Carlo Methods for Classical Solution of Hamilton Jacobi Bellmann Equations
Reinhold Schneider, TU Berlin, Germany - 11:15
- Unfortunatly this colloquium will be cancelled due to the current situation concering the Corona Virus -
Suppose the PDE is cast in a variational…
more ›Optimal sensor placement for the quantification of model uncertainty: A functional analysis perspective
Karen Veroy-Grepl, Eindhoven University of Technology online - details below10:15 - 11:15
We consider optimal sensor placement for inverse problems constrained by partial differential equations in which the model contains uncertainties,…
more ›Statistical properties of deterministic dynamical systems and their applications in weather and climate forecasting
Georg Gottwald, University of Sydney online - details below10:15 - 11:15
The talk is concerned with recent results on statistical properties of deterministic dynamical systems. We will discuss the problem of finding…
more ›Digital first, concerns second: Our power to change everyday life and the question of responsibility in algorithm development
Ulrike Lucke & Ina Müller , Universität Potsdam online - details below10:15 -11:45
Developers of IT systems have enormous power. - And therefore also a great responsibility. This applies especially to the ideas and concepts about the…
more ›Some thoughts and questions towards a statistical understanding of DNNs
Ingo Steinwart, Universität Stuttgart online10:00 - 12:00
So far, our statistical understanding of the learning mechanisms of deep neural networks. (DNNs) is rather limited. Part of the reasons for this lack…
more ›Regulation of Intracellular Signaling via Cellular Morphology
Meghan Driscoll , University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, US online5:00 - 6:00 pm
Signaling is governed not only by the expression levels of molecules, but by their localization via mechanisms as diverse as compartmentalization in…
more ›3. Kalman Lecture with Sara van de Geer
Sara van de Geer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland 10:15 - 11:15
The Lasso revisited: entropy bounds and dual certificates
The Lasso is least squares estimation with an ℓ1-penalty on the coeffcients. In this talk…
more ›GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2020
The 20th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will take place at the University of Potsdam from 24th-25th…
more ›Posterior consistency in Bayesian inference with exponential priors
Masoumeh Dashti, University of Sussex online10:15 - 11:15
We consider the problem of recovering the underlying truth in a nonparametric Bayesian inference setting with p-exponential priors. These priors are a…
more ›Mini seminar series on „Non-Gaussian large scale Bayesian inversion“
Jarkko Suuronen, Sahani Pathiraja, Teemu Härkönen, LUT and UP online12:00 - 13:30
jointly organised by Jana de Wiljes and the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT, Finland) more ›
Joint Colloquium of SFB 1287 and SFB 1294 with Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University New York online15:00
Cognitive computational neuroscience of vision
To learn how cognition is implemented in the brain, we must build computational models that can…
more ›Estimatig the interraction functions and the graph of interactions in non linear multivariate Hawkes processes using Bayesian nonparametric methods
Judith Rousseau, University of Oxford, UK tba10:15 - 11:15
Please find the abstract to the talk here.
Invited by Markus Reiß
***Due to the current pandemic this colloquium will be conducted online. We…
more ›Bayesian inference in machine learning
Vladimir Spokoiny, WIAS Berlin online10:00 - 12:00
Statistical inference for binary data is one of the central problem in machine learning which can be treated within a nonparametric Bernoulli model.…
more ›cancelled - Kayo Ide
Kayo Ide, University of Maryland online15:00 - 16:00
Unfortunately we had to cancel this Colloquium.
invited by Yuri Shprits
***Due to the current pandemic this colloquium will be conducted online.…
more ›Global sensitivity analysis in environmental modeling
Kim Aleksandra, ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland online10:15 -11:15
In today’s complex world and economy, international supply chains of goods cause global environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a well…
more ›MaRDI - The Mathematical Research Data Initiative within the NFDI
Karsten Tabelow, WIAS Berlin online10:15 - 11:15
Like in all scientific disciplines research data in mathematics has become vast, it is complex and multifaceted, and, through the successful…
more ›Likelihood-based estimation, model selection, and forecasting of integer-valued trawl processes
Almut Veraart, Imperial College London online10:15 - 11:15
The class of integer-valued trawl processes has recently been introduced for modelling univariate and multivariate integer-valued time series with…
more ›Understanding and predicting global biodiversity dynamics
Damaris Zurell, University of Potsdam online10:15 - 11:15
Almost 200 years ago, Alexander von Humboldt said in his famous Cosmos series that „all natural forces are linked together, and made mutually…
more ›Analysis of stochastic gradient descent in continuous time
Jonas Latz, University of Cambridge, UK online10:15 - 11:15
Stochastic gradient descent is an optimisation method that combines classical gradient descent with random subsampling within the target functional.…
more ›Data assimilation simulation in cell biophysics problems
Tatsuo Shibata, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan online10:15 - 11:15
Cellular signal transduction system is a complex reaction network consisting of many elements, which allows cells to respond appropriately to…
more ›Stability of UQ and Bayesian inverse problems
Bjoern Sprungk, TU Bergakademie Freiberg online10:15 - 11:15
For partial differential equations with random coefficients we investigate the sensitivity of the distribution of the random solution with respect to…
more ›Kick-off Meeting 2nd Phase
We are kicking of the 2nd Phase of our SFB with a 1,5 day Kick-Off Event on the 14th and 15th of September!
This includes our annual meeting, poster…
more ›Towards next generation data assimilation algorithms for convective scale applications
Tijana Janjic Pfander, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - 14:00
The initial state for a geophysical numerical model is produced by combining observational data with numerical model simulation using a data…
more ›Transport methods for simulation-based inference and data assimilation
Youssef Marzouk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Many practical Bayesian inference problems fall into the "likelihood-free" setting, where evaluations of the likelihood function or prior density are…
more ›An Introduction to Actor Critic Methods for Optimal Control
Sean Meyn, University of Florida, USA 2.27.10116:00 - 17:00
The goal of actor critic methods is to estimate the best policy among a parameterized family for a controlled Markov chain. Through the magic of…
more ›Theoretical perspectives on actin waves
Arik Yochelis, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel - 11:45
invited by Carsten Beta
more ›On recently developed non-Gaussian priors and sampling methods with application to industrial tomography
Lassi Roininen, Technische Universität Lappeenranta, Finland - 11:15
We consider two sets of new priors for Bayesian inversion and machine learning: The first one is based on mixture of experts models with Gaussian…
more ›4th Kalman Lecture with Mihaela van der Schaar
Mihaela van der Schaar, University of Cambridge, UK 3.06.H05 (Campus Griebnitzsee, building 6, lecture hall 05)10:15 - 11:30
Quantitative epistemology: conceiving a new human-machine partnership
Quantitative epistemology is a new and transformational area of research…
more ›Gaussian likelihoods for ’intractable’ situations
Heikki Haario, Technische Universität Lappeenranta, Finland (Campus Golm, building 28, room 0.108)10:00 - 11:00
Various modelling situations – including chaotic dynamics, stochastic differential equations, random patterns such as produced by the Turing…
more ›Coarse-graining of complex systems with parameter uncertainties
Carsten Hartmann, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (builing 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
Complex dynamical systems like molecular systems or stochastic climate systems often involve a variety of different time and length scales. We propose…
more ›Some statistical inference results for interacting particle models in a mean-field limit
Marc Hoffmann, Université Paris-Dauphine, France hybrid event, in person at WIAS (please register) and online; please contact Andrea Fiebig (fiebig[at] for details10:00 - 12:00
We propose a systematic | theoretical | statistical analysis for systems of interacting
diffusions, possibly with common noise and/or degenerate…
A modified discrepancy principle to attain optimal rates under white noise
Tim Jahn, Universität Bonn, Germany HU, Johann von Neumann-Haus (Rudower Chaussee 25), room: 3.00813:15 - 14:45
We consider a linear ill-posed equation in the Hilbert space setting under white noise. Known convergence results for the discrepancy principle are…
more ›Parameter Estimation for Semilinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Gregor Pasemann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin online via zoom, please contact Prof. S. Reich for the link10:15 - 11:15
A theory of parametric inference for semilinear stochastic partial differential equations is developed, with special emphasis put on diffusivity…
more ›Towards Interactive AI-based Decision Support Systems
Enkelejda Kasneci, University of Tübingen (building 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
The use of AI has improved computer-aided diagnosis systems in many areas. However, the underlying models are often black boxes that allow the user…
more ›A duality formulation for filter stability
Jin Won Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA online via Zoom, pls contact Wilhelm Stannat if you would like to join16:15
In this talk, I revisit the problem of filter stability based on certain dual optimal control-type reformulations of the nonlinear filtering problem.
Hypothesis testing on high-dimensional spheres: the Le Cam approach
Davy Paindaveine, Univerité libres de Bruxelles, Belgium hybrid, online- please contact Andrea Fiebig (HU) for the zoom link10:00 - 12:00
Hypothesis testing in high dimensions has been a most active research topics in the last
decade. Both theoretical and practical considerations make it…
The Dynamics of Controlled Atoms and Molecules
Anja Seegebrecht, University of Potsdam online via Zoom, please contact Christian Riedel for details10:00 - 10:45
Our long term student assistant, Anja Seegebrecht, from project Z03 will give an overview over the topic of her master thesis, which was conducted at…
more ›Analyzing Multi-Messenger Astronomy Data to reveal fundamental Properties of the Cosmos
Tim Dietrich, University of Potsdam (building 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
Neutron stars are among the most compact objects in the Universe and the detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merger…
more ›The birth and death of coherence: semi-material coherent sets
Péter Koltai , Freie Universität Berlin online, please contact Sebastian Reich for the Zoom Link10:15 - 11:15
The decomposition of the state space of a dynamical system into almost invariant sets is important for understanding its essential macroscopic…
more ›Machine Learning in the context of drift
Barbara Hammer, Universität Bielefeld online via Zoom10:15 - 11:30
One of the main assumptions of classical machine learning models is that data are generated by a stationary concept. This is often violated due to…
more ›Trace-class Gaussian priors for Bayesian learning of neural networks with MCMC
Torben Sell, University of Edinburgh, Scotland online, please contact us beforehand if you would like to join10:15 - 11:30
I will discuss a new neural network based prior for real valued functions on ℝ^d. The new prior is a Gaussian neural network prior, where each weight…
more ›Spring School 2022
The annual SFB Spring School 2022 will take place from the 21st (arrival on the 20th) to the 25nd of March 2022 at the Hotel Döllnsee-Schorfheide.
more ›On the duality for nonlinear filtering
Jin W. Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.2210:00 - 11:30
In this talk, I will present the dual control system for the hidden Markov model (HMM). This is a direct extension of classical duality between…
more ›1st SFB Data Think Tank
The 1st SFB Data Think Tank Event will take place from 4th to 6th of April 2022 at the Wissenschaftsetage, Potsdam (…
more ›"Stochastic gradient descent in continuous time: discrete and continuous data" and "Augmenting Bayesian inference with possibility theory"
Jonas Latz (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) & Jeremie Houssineau (University of Warwick, UK) Campus Golm, Building 5, Room 1.1010:00-12:00
Jonas Latz:
Optimisation problems with discrete and continuous data appear in statistical estimation, machine learning, functional data science,…
more ›Zukunftstag 2022
Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schüler der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten. Dazu…
more ›Time scales in early warnings: a probabilistic approach
Susanne Ditlevsen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the risks of collapse or tipping points in a wide variety of complex systems, ranging from…
more ›Stochastic Modelling with few Parameters
Philipp Meyer, UFS Data-centric Sciences, University of Potsdam Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 0.1210:15-11:15
Simple stochastic models can describe the fluctuations of a time series. A good way to get a first impression of the data is to look at the mean…
more ›Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaft 2022
Der Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2022 findet dieses Jahr am ATB Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie in Potsdam statt. Wir werden mit…
more ›Toward a unified framework for large scale imaging problems: Theory, applications, and potential issues
Hossein S. Aghamiry, Université Côte d'Azur, Geoazur, Valbonne, France Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 1.1012:15-13:15
Visualizing and quantifying the properties of a medium using sparse indirect measurements is the final goal of all the imaging methods in different…
more ›Learning in High-Dimensional Feature Spaces Using ANOVA-Based Fast Matrix-Vector Multiplication
Theresa Wagner, TU Chemnitz Campus Golm, building 9, room 0.1716:00-17:00
Kernel matrices are crucial in many learning tasks and typically dense and large-scale. Depending on the dimension of the feature space even the…
more ›Women Networking Meeting
Our SFB Women Networking Meeting with Prof. Dr. Marie-Therese Wolfram from University of Warwick provides a chance to talk about career, chances and…
more ›Collective dynamics in the social and data science
Marie-Therese Wolfram , University of Warwick, UK Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:30
Collective dynamics can be observed in many situations in our daily lives, for example the motion of bird flocks, the formation of directional lanes…
more ›Additional Colloquium with our Mercator Fellows Sean Meyn and Youssef M. Marzouk
Sean Meyn and Youssef M. Marzouk , University of Florida and MIT Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:30 - 11:30
Our Mercator Fellows Sean Meyn and Youssef M. Marzouk will visit us in the week from June 27th to July 1st. We will use this opportunity to have an…
more ›Symmetry-informed model inference for active matter
Jörn Dunkel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
Recent experimental advances enable high-resolution observations of biological and synthetic active matter across a wide range of length and time…
more ›5th Kálmán Lecture with Nicolas Chopin
Nicolas Chopin , ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France Campus Golm, Building 25, Room F0.0110:15-11:30
Nested cubing integration: how to get a O(N{-10}) error when you compute your favourite integral
This talk will explain why computing integrals…
more ›Jamboree 2022 - IRTG and associated members
This year Jamboree for all members of the IRTG as well as associated members will take place from 7th to 9th of Sepember at the KiEZ…
more ›SFB Annual Meeting 2022
Campus Golm, building 6, lecture hall H05
The Annual Meeting of the SFB 1294 will take place from 13th to 14th of September at the Campus Griebnitzsee in building 6. In addition to SFB…
more ›Women Networking Meeting
Campus Golm12:00 - 14:00
Our SFB Women Networking Meeting with Elizabeth Qian from the California Institute of Technology (USA) provides a chance to talk about career, chances…
more ›1st Potsdam DA Days
Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 6
This symposium will kick off the new event format of the SFB - the Potsdam DA Days!
The joint ‘Symposium on Inverse Problems: From experimental data…
more ›Using 'Data-Intelligence' to Understand the Physics of the Inner Magnetosphere
Geoff D. Reeves, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
The Earth’s magnetosphere is a complex system composed of about a dozen major subsystems that are not only complex in-and-of themselves but…
more ›IRTG Workshop - Good Scientific Practice
Dr. Peter Schröder Campus Golm, building 29, room 0.25/0.2610:00-17:00
This workshop is part of the SFB IRTG Certificate Program and will be held by Dr. Peter Schröder. The onsite workshop wil deal with Good Scientif…
more ›"Two prior models for edge-preserving Bayesian inversion" & "Geometry Parameter Estimation for Sparse X-ray Log Imaging"
Felipe Uribe & Angelina Senchukova, LUT University, Finland Campus Golm, building 9, room 1.2210:15 - 11:15
Abstract by Felipe Uribe:
In inverse problems arising in imaging science characterization of sharp edges in the solution is desired. Within the…
more ›Z03 Workshop on 'How to complete a Data Management Plan'
Campus Golm, building 70, room 0.0909:45 - 11:45
In this workshop, participants will strengthen their knowledge about using data management plans to organize the research data created in the…
more ›Computationally Efficient Pollutant Dispersion Calculation
Iris Rammelmüller Campus Golm, building 9, room 1.2210:45 - 11:15
Since it is a crucial component of most environmental impact assessments, air dispersion modelling has emerged as one of the most important methods in…
more ›Challenges of data driven modelling in cardiac dynamics
Ulrich Parlitz, Universität Göttingen Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
The myocardium is an electrically excitable medium that supports various types of excitation waves, including stable or chaotic spiral waves that…
more ›Women Networking Lunch
Campus Golm, building 29, 2.5812:00 - 13:00
Our SFB Women Networking Lunch with Femke Vossepoel (Delft University of Technology) and Svetlana Dubinkina (Vrije University Amsterdam) provides a…
more ›'Projected Particle Filtering' and 'On ensemble size in a particle method for subsidence estimation'
Svetlana Dubinkina (VU Amsterdam) and Femke C. Vossepoel (TU Delft) Campus Golm, building 9, room 1.2210:00 - 11:00
Abstract by Svetlana Dubinkina:
Data assimilation of high-dimensional nonlinear models is subject to curse of dimensionality. It is when an ensemble…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Communication Skills for Women in the Sciences
Dr. Imke Lode , ProSciencia Beratungs-GmbH Campus Golm, TIP (building 10)09:00 - 17:00
This IRTG workshop is only for female scientists of the SFB. The workshop will be held by Dr. Imke Lode from ProSciencia and provides practical skills…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Communication Skills for Women in the Sciences
Dr. Imke Lode , ProSciencia Beratungs-GmbH Campus Golm, building 29, room 0.25/0.2609:00 - 17:00
This IRTG workshop is only for female scientists of the SFB. The workshop will be held by Dr. Imke Lode from ProSciencia and provides practical skills…
more ›One-shot Learning of Surrogates in PDE-constrained Optimization Under Uncertainty
Claudia Schillings, Freie Universität Berlin Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
Approaches to decision making and learning mainly rely on optimization techniques to achieve “best” values for parameters and decision variables. In…
more ›Bayesian and Deterministic Spatio-Temporal Methods with Edge-Preserving Priors for Inverse Problems
Mirjeta Pasha, Tufts University, US Campus Golm, building 9, room 1.1012:13 - 13:15
Inverse problems are ubiquitous in many fields of science such as engineering, biology, medical imaging, atmospheric science, and geophysics. Three…
more ›Deep Learning Statistical Tests for Genetic Studies of Image Phenotypes
Christoph Lippert, HPI - Digital Health - Machine Learning Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
In my talk I will give an overview on our ongoing work on the development of methods for finding associations between variation that is encoded in…
more ›Women Networking Lunch
Campus Golm, building 29, 2.5812:00 - 13:00
Our SFB Women Networking Lunch with Claire Vernade (DeepMind) provides a chance to talk about career, chances and how to overcome hurdles as female in…
more ›Understanding and Applying Reinforcement Learning
Claire Vernade, DeepMind Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:30
Reinforcement Learning (RL) builds learning systems from the ground up by trial and error: as the agent takes actions, they receive rewards and…
more ›2nd SFB Data Think Tank
Potsdamer Wissenschaftsetage, Bildungsforum
The 2nd SFB Data Think Tank will take place from March 6th – 8th, 2023 at the Wissenschaftsetage, Bildungsforum Potsdam. This year, our external…
more ›Spring School 2023
The annual SFB Spring School 2023 will take place from the 20th (arrival on the 19th) to the 24th of March 2023 at the Ringhotel Schorfheide.
more ›Seasonal forecasting - opportunities and challenges
Antje Weisheimer, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - 11:30
Seasonal forecasts aim to provide physically-based probabilistic outlooks of the climate conditions for the coming seasons. We create them by…
more ›Zukunftstag 2023
Im Rahmen des Zukunftstages sollen Schülerinnen der 7. bis 10. Klasse eine Chance bekommen Einblicke in geschlechteruntypische Berufe zu erhalten.…
more ›Hurst index estimation for SPDEs
Pavel Kriz, Charles University HU Berlin (Rudower Chaussee 25, room: 3.008)13:15 - 17:45
Hurst index determines regularity, self-similarity and autocovariance structure of a fractional Brownian motion (fBm). Although there is a vast…
more ›Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaft 2023
Der Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2023 findet dieses Jahr auf dem Campus Griebnitzsee der Universität Potsdam statt. Wir werden mit dem SFB…
more ›Conservative SPDEs as fluctuating mean field limits of stochastic gradient descent
Vitalii Konarovskyi, University of Bielefeld - 11:30
My talk will be devoted to the convergence of stochastic interacting particle systems in the mean-field limit to solutions of conservative SPDEs. We…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Presentation Skills for Science and Research (Part I - online)
Peter Schröder, brain4hire online10:00 - 17:00
This workshop on Presentation Skills for Science and Research will be held by Dr. Peter Schröder and is mandatory for Doctoral researchers of our…
more ›On the design of scientific visualization
Nicolas Rougier, INRIA, Bordeaux - 15:30
This is a co-organized colloquium with the Institute of Mathematics of the UP
Scientific visualization is classically defined as the process of…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Presentation Skills for Science and Research (Part II )
Peter Schröder, brain4hire
This is Part II of the workshop 'Presentation Skills for Science and Research' and held by Dr. Peter Schröder. This workshop day is splitted in 3…
more ›Hurst index estimation for SPDEs - seminar with Pavel Kriz
Pavel Kriz, Charles University, CZ 2.29.025/0.2613:30
Fractional Brownian motion (fBm) has been considered as a stochastic process generating autocorrelated (colored) Gaussian noise in various stochastic…
more ›Research data in mathematics, FAIRness, and the MaRDI consortium
Tabea Krause & Tabea Bacher, MaRDI - 11:30
In this talk we will introduce a definition of 'research data' in mathematics which encompasses all digital objects you handle in the process of doing…
more ›Reduced Basis Methods: From Key Ingredients to 4DVar
Martin Grepl, RWTH Aachen - 11:30
The reduced basis method is a certified model order reduction technique for the rapid and reliable solution of parametrized partial differential…
more ›Networking Meeting - 11:45
Our CRC Networking Meeting with Karen Veroy-GRepl and Martin Grepl provides a chance to talk about career, chances, and the challenges for couples in…
more ›Model Order Reduction in Data Assimilation
Karen Veroy-Grepl, Eindhoven University of Technology - 11:30
The use of model order reduction techniques in combination with data assimilation methods for estimating the state of systems has been of great…
more ›Rising Stars in Data Assimilation 2023
Campus Griebnitzsee building 6 & 1
On July 20th and 21st, we will start a new event format. This event is open for all interested young scientists and addressed to young female…
more ›Jamboree 2023 - IRTG and associated members
The Jamboree 2023 for all members of the IRTG as well as associated members will take place from 6th to 8th of Sepember at the KiEZ…
more ›Potsdam DA Days 2023
Campus Griebnitzsee, building 6, lecture hall H01 & H02
The Potsdam DA Days 2023 will take place from September 11th to 13th at Campus Griebnitzsee at the University of Potsdam and will be joined by…
more ›6th Kálmán Lecture with Richard Nickl
Richard Nickl, University of Cambridge 3.06.H0209:30 - 10:30
This year, Kalman Lecture will be held by Richard Nickl from University of Cambridge. His talk on 'On posterior consistency in non-linear Bayesian…
more ›From excitability to waves and back: Patterns related to subcritical finite wavenumber Hopf bifurcations
Arik Yochelis, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel - 11:30
Dissipative nonlinear waves arise in many systems that comprise non-equilibrium properties, such as action potentials, calcium waves,…
more ›Meet People from Industry: Yaron Goldstein
Yaron Goldstein has collected significant industry experience in the last decade through his roles at Boston Consulting Group, Google, and Meta which…
more ›On polynomial-time mixing for high-dimensional MCMC in inverse problems
Sven Wang, HU Berlin
We consider the problem of generating random samples from high-dimensional posterior distributions. We will discuss both (i) conditions under which…
more ›Kernel matrices in the flat limit
Simon Barthelmé, CNRS, Gipsa-lab
Simon Barthelmé (CNRS, Gipsa-lab), joint work with K. Usevich, N. Tremblay, P.-O. Amblard
Kernel matrices are ubiquitous in statistics, numerical…
Nonparametric classification with missing data
Torben Sell, University of Edinburgh - 11:45
Missing data are ubiquitous in modern statistics, posing a major challenge in a plethora of applications. In the first half of the talk, I will…
more ›Discretization-adaptive regularization of inverse problems
Tim Jahn2.28.0.10810:15-11:15
We consider linear inverse problems under white (non-Gaussian) noise. For the solution we have to discretize the problem, and we consider a sequence…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Mental Health (Part I)
Dr. Andrea Szameitat Online09:00 - 12:30
First session (07.12.; 09:00 - 12:30)
In the first session, this workshop focuses on what mental health is, what widespread mental health issues…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Mental Health (Part II)
Dr. Andrea Szameitat Online09:00 - 12:30
Second session (08.12.; 09:00 - 12:30)
The second session focuses on the concept of resilience: what exactly is it, how does it serve us and how can…
IRTG Workshop: Mental Health (Part III)
Dr. Andrea Szameitat Online19:00 - 21:00
Third session (12.12.; 19:00 - 21:00)
In this meeting you reflect together about your progress/current situation in an informal setting.
more ›
Uncertainty Quantification and Attribution in Models of the Earth System
Thorsten Wagener, University of Potsdam
The recent State of Global Water Resources report by the World Meteorological Organization concluded that the hydrological cycle is spinning out of…
more ›Statistical analysis of SPDEs – exploring singularities
Igor Cialenco, Illinois Institute of Technology
Unlike traditional finite-dimensional stochastic differential equations, statistical models driven by SPDEs are predominantly singular, when the…
more ›Computing Spectra of Infinite-dimensional operators - what do we need?
Catherine Drysdal, University of Birmingham - 13:30
In this talk, I look at two examples regarding the numerical computation of spectra for infinite-dimensional non-self-adjoint operators. Two…
more ›From Neurons to Symbolic Representation and Rapid Learning in Mind and Brain: A Brain-Constrained Neural Model
Rosario Tomasello, FU Berlin
To grasp the meaning of words and their relationship to the outside world, higher cognitive processes unique to the human brain are at work. However,…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Conflict Management (Part I)
Anna Royon-Weigelt2.29.0.25/0.2610:00 - 18:00
Date: February 8th & 9th, 2024
The workshop with Anna Royon-Weigelt covers basic aspects of communication, especially in intercultural contexts and…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Conflict Management (Part II)
Anna Royon-Weigelt2.29.0.25/0.2610:00 - 18:00
The workshop with Anna Royon-Weigelt covers basic aspects of communication, especially in intercultural contexts and presents tools & models to…
more ›3rd SFB Data Think Tank
Potsdamer Wissenschaftsetage, Bildungsforum
The 2nd SFB Data Think Tank will take place on February 14th and 15th, 2024 at the Wissenschaftsetage, Bildungsforum Potsdam. Please find the event…
more ›Exploiting Independence for Optimal Gaussian Importance Sampling
Stefan Heyder, TU Ilmenau - 11:00
Importance sampling is a Monte Carlo technique that estimates posterior expectations in Bayesian computation by sampling from a tractable proposal…
more ›Self-organization of dynamic network structure of mesoderm cells
Mitsusuke Tarama, Kyushu University - 14:30
Self-organization of various cellular structures is of fundamental importance in morphogenesis during development of biological organisms. Our…
more ›Random dynamical models & invariant uniform statistics: applications to particle filtering, model assessment and machine learning
Joaquín Miguez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - 14:00
We begin with a class of particle filters (PFs) that can automatically tune their performance by the online evaluation of certain predictive…
more ›IRTG Networking Meeting
Joaquín Miguez & David Albers - 15:00
Our IRTG Networking Meeting with Joaquín Miguez and David Albers provides a chance to talk about career, chances, and the challenges in academia.
more ›Inverse problems, systems physiology, and human health: an interdisciplinary survey of three foundational problems
David Albers, University of Colorado, USA - 11:30
We would like to use data collected from humans to forward our understanding of physiological mechanics and to improve human health. However, because…
more ›Jamboree 2024 - IRTG and associated members
The Jamboree 2023 for all members of the IRTG as well as associated members will take place from march 13th to 15th at the Waldhotel Berghof. This…
more ›Investigating time-series and spatial fields from environmental archives to inform about past and future dynamics of climate and biodiversity
Ulrike Herzschuh & Thomas Laepple, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research - 11:45
Our planet is undergoing an unprecedentedly rapid transformation. To predict future climate and environment dynamics, we have to learn from past…
more ›A time-adaptive optimal control approach for 4D-var data assimilation problems governed by parabolic PDEs
Jannis Marquardt, TU Braunschweig - 17:30
Seminar talk followed by a young researcher network meeting.
The common solution techniques of the data assimilation problem typically…
more ›Kernel Methods in Generative Modeling
Gabriele Steidl, TU Berlin tba10:15 - 11:45
We consider gradient flows with respect to the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) of certain kernels. For the efficient computation, we propose slicing…
more ›Reconstruction of electron radiation belts using numerical modeling, data assimilation and machine learning
Alexander Drozdov, University of California, Los Angeles - 12:00
This seminar presented an overview of numerical modeling, data assimilation, and machine learning in understanding Earth's electron radiation belts.…
more ›Design of OSE and OSSE for Earth’s radiation belts
Quintin Schiller, Space Science Institute - 12:00
Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts, located in near-Earth space, are comprised of very energetic electrons and protons. However, the origins of these…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Scientific Writing (Part I)
Dr Martina Michalikova, Writing Scientist Griebnitzsee, House 7, R. 1.27 - 1.2909:00 - 17:00
Dr Martina Michalikova gives a two-day scientific writing workshop on the 6th and 7th of June 2024, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Please bring the following…
more ›IRTG Workshop: Scientific Writing (Part II)
Dr Martina Michalikova, Writing Scientist Golm, Building 29, R. 0.2509:00 - 17:00
Dr Martina Michalikova gives a two-day scientific writing workshop on the 6th and 7th of June 2024, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Please bring the following…
more ›Random walks of heterogeneous population and ensemble self-reinforcement
Sergei Fedotov, University of Manchester - 11:45
The talk will be concerned with time-fractional master equations with random transition probabilities describing a heterogeneous population of random…
more ›Variational Inference for (Neural) SDEs Driven by Fractional Noise
Rembert Daems, Dynamics and Design Lab, Ghent University, Belgium - 12:00
Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) offer a versatile tool for modeling real-world continuous-time dynamic systems with inherent noise and…
more ›Is dispersion a stabilizing or destabilizing mechanism? Landau-damping induced by fast background flows
Edriss Titi , University of Cambridge - 11:45
In this talk, I will present a unifed approach for the effect of fast rotation and dispersion as an averaging mechanism for regularizing and…
more ›International Summer School 2024
Lindner Hotels & Resorts Boltenhagen16.09.-20.09.2024
The CRC International Summer School 2024 will take place from September 16th (arrival on the 15th) to 20th at the Lindner Hotels & Resorts Boltenhagen…
more ›Particle Methods in Machine Learning and Inverse Problems
Martin Burger, Helmholtz Imaging 3.06.S1814:30 - 16:00
7th Kálmán Lecture with Martin Burger
The use of methods resembling (interacting) particle systems has gained a lot of interest for different tasks…
more ›Employing dynamical systems modeling to understand complex phenomena: from interacting bistable systems to football drills
Hidemasa Ishii, University of Tokyo - 10:00
I have been working to understand complex phenomena in social sciences and biology utilizing dynamical systems models. In this seminar, I will talk…
more ›Linear methods for non-linear inverse problems
Botond Tibor Szabo, Bocconi University, Italy - 16:00
We consider recovering an unknown function f from a noisy observation of the solution uf to a partial differential equation of the type Luf = c(f, u…
more ›Scalable methods for Gaussian process regression
Botond Tibor Szabo, Bocconi University, Italy - 11:45
Gaussian processes (GP) are frequently used in Bayesian nonparametrics as a prior distribution on infinite dimensional functional parameters. However,…
more ›SIAM Chapter Seminar with Jan Szalankiewicz
Jan Szalankiewicz, TU Berlin Golm, House 9, Room 1.2216:00
The SIAM Chapter Seminar with Jan Szalankiewicz is an event open to all early career researchers and all Student, PhDs, and Postdocs are welcome.…
more ›A tensor bidiagonalization method for singular value decomposition of third order tensors
Lothar Reichel & Laura Dykes, Kent State University - 11:45
The need to know a few singular triplets associated with the largest singular values of a third-order tensor arises in data compression and extraction. This paper describes a new method for their computation using the t-product. Methods for deter mining a couple of singular triplets associated with the smallest singular values also are presented. The proposed methods generalize available restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization methods for computing a few of the largest or smallest singular triplets of a matrix. The methods of this paper use Ritz and harmonic Ritz lateral slices to determine accurate approximations of the largest and smallest singular triplets, respectively. Computed examples show applications to data compression and face recognition. more ›
Foundation Inference Models for Markov Jump Processes
César Ali Ojeda Marin, University of Potsdam - 11:00
Markov jump processes are continuous-time stochastic processes which describe dynamical systems evolving in discrete state spaces. These processes…
more ›Workshop: Push Your Career outside Academia – Part I Job Interview (online)
Heidi Störr, Push Your Career - Career Consultancy Online09:00-12:30
Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This fundamental career training enables you to…
more ›Workshop: Push Your Career outside Academia – Part II: Salary (online)
Heidi Störr , Push Your Career - Career Consultancy Online09:00-12:30
Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This fundamental career training enables you to…
more ›State-space models as graphs
Víctor Elvira, University of Edinburgh - 11:45
Modeling and inference in multivariate time series is central in statistics, signal processing, and machine learning. A fundamental question when…
more ›Bayesian chemotaxis: Information theory of chemotaxis agents combining spatial and temporal gradient-sensing
Benjamin M. Friedrich, TU Dresden - 11:45
Biological systems process information despite noise-corrupted input, often operating at physical limits. A prime example is chemotaxis, i.e., active…
more ›Who's going to win? Modelling elections with an adapted Hegselmann-Krause model and data assimilation.
Patrick Cahill , University of Sydney - 16:00
Modelling the opinions of voters in a population has been studied for a long time. The Hegselmann-Krause model treats voters as having a continuous…
more ›From Model to Market: Enhancing Phase 3 Design with MIDD
Jane Knöchel, InSilicoTrials, Sweden - 11:45
Model Informed Drug Development (MIDD) has revolutionized the way pharmaceutical companies approach Phase 3 clinical trials. By integrating predictive…
more ›Model Reduction in Pharmacology: Bridging Biological Understanding and Statistical Analysis
Jane Knöchel, InSilicoTrials, Sweden - 11:45
Quantitative system pharmacology models (QSP) are a subset of mathematical models focused on drug pharmacology. They integrate datasets from diverse…
more ›Reducing the complexity of phase-field models for cell motility
Hidemasa Ishii, University of Tokyo - 14:00
more ›IRTG: "Professional Pathways" with Tatiana Grandón
Tatiana Grandón, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 14:00-16:00
We are delighted to announce the launch of our "Professional Pathways" career series, which invites professionals originally from mathematics now…
more ›Bayesian model selection for partially observed second order Langevin dynamics
Yusuke Kato, University of Tokyo - 14:00
more ›MESIGA: Meeting of the European SIAM and GAMM Student Chapters 2025
SIAM ChapterUniversity of Potsdam, Campus Golm, house 28, room 108
This conference provides a supportive and collaborative platform for young researchers to share their work, learn from established experts, and engage…
more ›Spring School 2025
Hotel am Schlosspark Güstrow24.03.-28.03.2025
The annual SFB Spring School 2025 will take place from March 24th to 28th (arrival on March 23rd) at the Hotel am Schlosspark Güstrow.
All members of…
more ›Women Network Lunch
Our SFB Women Networking Lunch provides an opportunity to discuss careers, opportunities, and ways to overcome challenges as women in a still…
more ›Extraordinary Colloquium with Jennifer Scott and Jemima Tabeart
Jennifer Scott & Jemima Tabeart Golm14:00-15:30
We will have an extraordinary colloquium with Jennifer Scott (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and The University of Reading, UK) and Jemima…
more ›