All Colloquia
Kick-off workshop
Please join us for the Kick-Off Workshop of SFB 1294, where members of our collaborative research center and invited guests will discuss the newest…
more ›Stochastic Models of Gene Expression
Philippe Robert, INRIA, Paris
Protein production is a key process of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells consuming more that 80% of their resources. The cytoplasm of the cell being a…
more ›Comparing deep neural networks against humans: Object recognition with weak signals
Felix Wichmann, Universität Tübingen, Germany
The visual recognition of objects by humans in everyday life is typically rapid and effortless. Until very recently, animate visual systems were the…
more ›Distributional Uncertainty in Uncertainty Quantification
Tim Sullivan, Zuse Institute Berlin and Freie Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Pharmacometrics: Analysing and understanding variability and uncertainty in clinical data
Charlotte Kloft, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Data Assimilation: Past, Present and Future
Michael Ghil, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
We introduce basic ideas and methods of data assimilation in meteorology and oceanography, and illustrate their progress from numerical weather…
more ›On periodic signals in stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley models
Reinhard Höpfner, Universität Mainz, Germany - 11:45
We consider a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model where dendritic input -modelled as an autonomous SDE which depends on a deterministic T-periodic signal…
more ›Approximate Kernel Embeddings of Distributions
Dino Sejdinovic, University of Oxford, UK - 11:45
Kernel embeddings of distributions and the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), the resulting probability metric, are useful tools for fully nonparametric…
more ›Numerical Methods in Visual Computing: what we can learn from each other
Uri Ascher, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada - 11:45
Visual computing is a wide area that includes computer graphics and image processing, where the “eyeball-norm” rules. I will discuss two case studies…
A review of the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequences (ETAS) model: 30 years of modeling seismicity
Maximilian Werner, University of Bristol, UK - 11:45
Earthquakes seldom come alone. They occur in temporal and spatial clusters, occasionally preceded by foreshocks, always followed by aftershocks, and…
more ›1st Kalman-Lecture of the SFB
Andrew Stuart, Caltech (California Institute of Technology), USA 11:45
The Legacy of Rudolph Kalman
In 1960 Rudolph Kalman published what is arguably the first paper to develop a systematic, principled approach to the…
more ›Image-based modelling of problems in cell motility
Till Bretschneider, The University of Warwick, UK -11:45
Mathematical modelling has been key to understanding the mechanics of cell shapes and the theoretical principles behind the complex spatio-temporal…
more ›Postponed - Equal-weight particle filters for high-dimensional geoscience applications
Peter Jan van Leeuwen, University of Readings, UK - 11:45
This talk has been postponed- we will inform you about the new date in the Events section.
Particle filters hold the promise of fully nonlinear data…
more ›Piecewise-deterministic Markov chain Monte Carlo
Arnaud Doucet, Oxford University - 11:45
A novel class of continuous-time non-reversible Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based on piecewise-deterministic processes has recently emerged. In…
more ›Specification of the Near-Earth Space Environment using Data Assimilation Techniques
Ludger Scherliess, Utah State University - 11:45
Over the past decades physics-based data assimilation models have been used in many areas of science and engineering and have found extensive use in…
more ›Pharmacometrics: Analysing and understanding variability and uncertainty in clinical data
Charlotte Kloft , Freie Universität Berlin - 11:45
For new medicines to be approved for therapeutic use, three internationally accepted criteria have to be met: efficacy, safety, quality. Yet, in drug…
more ›Joined Colloquium of SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 with Felix Otto - Effective behavior of random media
Felix Otto, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, Germany Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 6, lecture hall H0310:15 -11:15
Felix Otto will speak as invited guest during this joint colloquium of SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 on the
Effective Behavior of random media
Abstract: In…
more ›All-at-once versus reduced formulations of inverse problems and their regularization
Barbara Kaltenbacher, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt - 11:15
Parameter identification problems typically consist of a model equation, e.g. (systems of) ordinary or partial differential equations, and the…
more ›Ecological Validity of the N170 – a mobile EEG study
Peter König, Universität Osnabrück - 11:15
Are event related potentials, well investigated under laboratory
conditions, a signature of cortical processing during natural behavior?
Neuronal networks and functional connectivity
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret , CNRS/University of Nice, France - 11:15
After giving a short introduction to biological neuronal networks and their
main properties, I will explain why neurobiologists are interested by
Efficient implementation of an iterative ensemble smoother for big-data assimilation and reservoir history matching
Geir Evensen, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Norway - 11:15
Raanes et al. (2019) revised the iterative ensemble smoother of Chen and Oliver (2013), denoted Ensemble Randomized Maximum Likelihood (EnRML), using…
more ›2nd Kalman Lecture
Karen E. Willcox, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas, USA 2.25.F1.0110:15 - 11:15
Predictive data science for physical systems: From model reduction to scientific machine learning
Achieving predictive data science for physical…
more ›Numerical integrators for the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler
Jesus Sanz-Serna, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - 11:15
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) method is a widely used Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that offers the possibility of combining high acceptance…
more ›Distances for discretely observed jump processes and applications in nonparametric statistics
Ester Mariucci, Universität Potsdam - 11:15
The concept of distance is ancient and ubiquitous. Being able to quantify the distance between objects has important applications everywhere in…
more ›Low dimensional approximation of weak constraint variational data assimilation
Melina Freitag, Universität Potsdam - 11:15
Weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation is an important method for incorporating data (typically observations) into a model.…
more ›Machine Learning for Enhanced Mobility
Katharina Morik, TU Dortmund, Germany - 11:15
Mobility is an important topic, because on the one hand, the global world requires mobility of people and goods, but on the other hand, we suffer from…
more ›-cancelled- Variational Monte Carlo Methods for Classical Solution of Hamilton Jacobi Bellmann Equations
Reinhold Schneider, TU Berlin, Germany - 11:15
- Unfortunatly this colloquium will be cancelled due to the current situation concering the Corona Virus -
Suppose the PDE is cast in a variational…
more ›Optimal sensor placement for the quantification of model uncertainty: A functional analysis perspective
Karen Veroy-Grepl, Eindhoven University of Technology online - details below10:15 - 11:15
We consider optimal sensor placement for inverse problems constrained by partial differential equations in which the model contains uncertainties,…
more ›Statistical properties of deterministic dynamical systems and their applications in weather and climate forecasting
Georg Gottwald, University of Sydney online - details below10:15 - 11:15
The talk is concerned with recent results on statistical properties of deterministic dynamical systems. We will discuss the problem of finding…
more ›Digital first, concerns second: Our power to change everyday life and the question of responsibility in algorithm development
Ulrike Lucke & Ina Müller , Universität Potsdam online - details below10:15 -11:45
Developers of IT systems have enormous power. - And therefore also a great responsibility. This applies especially to the ideas and concepts about the…
more ›3. Kalman Lecture with Sara van de Geer
Sara van de Geer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland 10:15 - 11:15
The Lasso revisited: entropy bounds and dual certificates
The Lasso is least squares estimation with an ℓ1-penalty on the coeffcients. In this talk…
more ›Posterior consistency in Bayesian inference with exponential priors
Masoumeh Dashti, University of Sussex online10:15 - 11:15
We consider the problem of recovering the underlying truth in a nonparametric Bayesian inference setting with p-exponential priors. These priors are a…
more ›Joint Colloquium of SFB 1287 and SFB 1294 with Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University New York online15:00
Cognitive computational neuroscience of vision
To learn how cognition is implemented in the brain, we must build computational models that can…
more ›Estimatig the interraction functions and the graph of interactions in non linear multivariate Hawkes processes using Bayesian nonparametric methods
Judith Rousseau, University of Oxford, UK tba10:15 - 11:15
Please find the abstract to the talk here.
Invited by Markus Reiß
***Due to the current pandemic this colloquium will be conducted online. We…
more ›cancelled - Kayo Ide
Kayo Ide, University of Maryland online15:00 - 16:00
Unfortunately we had to cancel this Colloquium.
invited by Yuri Shprits
***Due to the current pandemic this colloquium will be conducted online.…
more ›MaRDI - The Mathematical Research Data Initiative within the NFDI
Karsten Tabelow, WIAS Berlin online10:15 - 11:15
Like in all scientific disciplines research data in mathematics has become vast, it is complex and multifaceted, and, through the successful…
more ›Likelihood-based estimation, model selection, and forecasting of integer-valued trawl processes
Almut Veraart, Imperial College London online10:15 - 11:15
The class of integer-valued trawl processes has recently been introduced for modelling univariate and multivariate integer-valued time series with…
more ›Understanding and predicting global biodiversity dynamics
Damaris Zurell, University of Potsdam online10:15 - 11:15
Almost 200 years ago, Alexander von Humboldt said in his famous Cosmos series that „all natural forces are linked together, and made mutually…
more ›Data assimilation simulation in cell biophysics problems
Tatsuo Shibata, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan online10:15 - 11:15
Cellular signal transduction system is a complex reaction network consisting of many elements, which allows cells to respond appropriately to…
more ›4th Kalman Lecture with Mihaela van der Schaar
Mihaela van der Schaar, University of Cambridge, UK 3.06.H05 (Campus Griebnitzsee, building 6, lecture hall 05)10:15 - 11:30
Quantitative epistemology: conceiving a new human-machine partnership
Quantitative epistemology is a new and transformational area of research…
more ›Coarse-graining of complex systems with parameter uncertainties
Carsten Hartmann, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (builing 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
Complex dynamical systems like molecular systems or stochastic climate systems often involve a variety of different time and length scales. We propose…
more ›Towards Interactive AI-based Decision Support Systems
Enkelejda Kasneci, University of Tübingen (building 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
The use of AI has improved computer-aided diagnosis systems in many areas. However, the underlying models are often black boxes that allow the user…
more ›Analyzing Multi-Messenger Astronomy Data to reveal fundamental Properties of the Cosmos
Tim Dietrich, University of Potsdam (building 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
Neutron stars are among the most compact objects in the Universe and the detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merger…
more ›Machine Learning in the context of drift
Barbara Hammer, Universität Bielefeld online via Zoom10:15 - 11:30
One of the main assumptions of classical machine learning models is that data are generated by a stationary concept. This is often violated due to…
more ›Time scales in early warnings: a probabilistic approach
Susanne Ditlevsen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the risks of collapse or tipping points in a wide variety of complex systems, ranging from…
more ›Collective dynamics in the social and data science
Marie-Therese Wolfram , University of Warwick, UK Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:30
Collective dynamics can be observed in many situations in our daily lives, for example the motion of bird flocks, the formation of directional lanes…
more ›Additional Colloquium with our Mercator Fellows Sean Meyn and Youssef M. Marzouk
Sean Meyn and Youssef M. Marzouk , University of Florida and MIT Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:30 - 11:30
Our Mercator Fellows Sean Meyn and Youssef M. Marzouk will visit us in the week from June 27th to July 1st. We will use this opportunity to have an…
more ›Symmetry-informed model inference for active matter
Jörn Dunkel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
Recent experimental advances enable high-resolution observations of biological and synthetic active matter across a wide range of length and time…
more ›5th Kálmán Lecture with Nicolas Chopin
Nicolas Chopin , ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France Campus Golm, Building 25, Room F0.0110:15-11:30
Nested cubing integration: how to get a O(N{-10}) error when you compute your favourite integral
This talk will explain why computing integrals…
more ›Using 'Data-Intelligence' to Understand the Physics of the Inner Magnetosphere
Geoff D. Reeves, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
The Earth’s magnetosphere is a complex system composed of about a dozen major subsystems that are not only complex in-and-of themselves but…
more ›Challenges of data driven modelling in cardiac dynamics
Ulrich Parlitz, Universität Göttingen Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
The myocardium is an electrically excitable medium that supports various types of excitation waves, including stable or chaotic spiral waves that…
more ›One-shot Learning of Surrogates in PDE-constrained Optimization Under Uncertainty
Claudia Schillings, Freie Universität Berlin Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
Approaches to decision making and learning mainly rely on optimization techniques to achieve “best” values for parameters and decision variables. In…
more ›Deep Learning Statistical Tests for Genetic Studies of Image Phenotypes
Christoph Lippert, HPI - Digital Health - Machine Learning Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:15
In my talk I will give an overview on our ongoing work on the development of methods for finding associations between variation that is encoded in…
more ›Understanding and Applying Reinforcement Learning
Claire Vernade, DeepMind Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.10810:15 - 11:30
Reinforcement Learning (RL) builds learning systems from the ground up by trial and error: as the agent takes actions, they receive rewards and…
more ›Seasonal forecasting - opportunities and challenges
Antje Weisheimer, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - 11:30
Seasonal forecasts aim to provide physically-based probabilistic outlooks of the climate conditions for the coming seasons. We create them by…
more ›Conservative SPDEs as fluctuating mean field limits of stochastic gradient descent
Vitalii Konarovskyi, University of Bielefeld - 11:30
My talk will be devoted to the convergence of stochastic interacting particle systems in the mean-field limit to solutions of conservative SPDEs. We…
more ›On the design of scientific visualization
Nicolas Rougier, INRIA, Bordeaux - 15:30
This is a co-organized colloquium with the Institute of Mathematics of the UP
Scientific visualization is classically defined as the process of…
more ›Research data in mathematics, FAIRness, and the MaRDI consortium
Tabea Krause & Tabea Bacher, MaRDI - 11:30
In this talk we will introduce a definition of 'research data' in mathematics which encompasses all digital objects you handle in the process of doing…
more ›Model Order Reduction in Data Assimilation
Karen Veroy-Grepl, Eindhoven University of Technology - 11:30
The use of model order reduction techniques in combination with data assimilation methods for estimating the state of systems has been of great…
more ›6th Kálmán Lecture with Richard Nickl
Richard Nickl, University of Cambridge 3.06.H0209:30 - 10:30
This year, Kalman Lecture will be held by Richard Nickl from University of Cambridge. His talk on 'On posterior consistency in non-linear Bayesian…
more ›On polynomial-time mixing for high-dimensional MCMC in inverse problems
Sven Wang, HU Berlin
We consider the problem of generating random samples from high-dimensional posterior distributions. We will discuss both (i) conditions under which…
more ›Discretization-adaptive regularization of inverse problems
Tim Jahn2.28.0.10810:15-11:15
We consider linear inverse problems under white (non-Gaussian) noise. For the solution we have to discretize the problem, and we consider a sequence…
more ›Uncertainty Quantification and Attribution in Models of the Earth System
Thorsten Wagener, University of Potsdam
The recent State of Global Water Resources report by the World Meteorological Organization concluded that the hydrological cycle is spinning out of…
more ›Statistical analysis of SPDEs – exploring singularities
Igor Cialenco, Illinois Institute of Technology
Unlike traditional finite-dimensional stochastic differential equations, statistical models driven by SPDEs are predominantly singular, when the…
more ›From Neurons to Symbolic Representation and Rapid Learning in Mind and Brain: A Brain-Constrained Neural Model
Rosario Tomasello, FU Berlin
To grasp the meaning of words and their relationship to the outside world, higher cognitive processes unique to the human brain are at work. However,…
more ›Investigating time-series and spatial fields from environmental archives to inform about past and future dynamics of climate and biodiversity
Ulrike Herzschuh & Thomas Laepple, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research - 11:45
Our planet is undergoing an unprecedentedly rapid transformation. To predict future climate and environment dynamics, we have to learn from past…
more ›Kernel Methods in Generative Modeling
Gabriele Steidl, TU Berlin tba10:15 - 11:45
We consider gradient flows with respect to the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) of certain kernels. For the efficient computation, we propose slicing…
more ›Random walks of heterogeneous population and ensemble self-reinforcement
Sergei Fedotov, University of Manchester - 11:45
The talk will be concerned with time-fractional master equations with random transition probabilities describing a heterogeneous population of random…
more ›Is dispersion a stabilizing or destabilizing mechanism? Landau-damping induced by fast background flows
Edriss Titi , University of Cambridge - 11:45
In this talk, I will present a unifed approach for the effect of fast rotation and dispersion as an averaging mechanism for regularizing and…
more ›Particle Methods in Machine Learning and Inverse Problems
Martin Burger, Helmholtz Imaging 3.06.S1814:30 - 16:00
7th Kálmán Lecture with Martin Burger
The use of methods resembling (interacting) particle systems has gained a lot of interest for different tasks…
more ›Scalable methods for Gaussian process regression
Botond Tibor Szabo, Bocconi University, Italy - 11:45
Gaussian processes (GP) are frequently used in Bayesian nonparametrics as a prior distribution on infinite dimensional functional parameters. However,…
more ›A tensor bidiagonalization method for singular value decomposition of third order tensors
Lothar Reichel & Laura Dykes, Kent State University - 11:45
The need to know a few singular triplets associated with the largest singular values of a third-order tensor arises in data compression and extraction. This paper describes a new method for their computation using the t-product. Methods for deter mining a couple of singular triplets associated with the smallest singular values also are presented. The proposed methods generalize available restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization methods for computing a few of the largest or smallest singular triplets of a matrix. The methods of this paper use Ritz and harmonic Ritz lateral slices to determine accurate approximations of the largest and smallest singular triplets, respectively. Computed examples show applications to data compression and face recognition. more ›
State-space models as graphs
Víctor Elvira, University of Edinburgh - 11:45
Modeling and inference in multivariate time series is central in statistics, signal processing, and machine learning. A fundamental question when…
more ›Bayesian chemotaxis: Information theory of chemotaxis agents combining spatial and temporal gradient-sensing
Benjamin M. Friedrich, TU Dresden - 11:45
Biological systems process information despite noise-corrupted input, often operating at physical limits. A prime example is chemotaxis, i.e., active…
more ›Model Reduction in Pharmacology: Bridging Biological Understanding and Statistical Analysis
Jane Knöchel, AstraZeneca, Sweden - 11:45
Quantitative system pharmacology models (QSP) are a subset of mathematical models focused on drug pharmacology. They integrate datasets from diverse…
more ›