Events in 2021
Bayesian inference in machine learning
Vladimir Spokoiny, WIAS Berlin online10:00 - 12:00
Statistical inference for binary data is one of the central problem in machine learning which can be treated within a nonparametric Bernoulli model.…
more ›cancelled - Kayo Ide
Kayo Ide, University of Maryland online15:00 - 16:00
Unfortunately we had to cancel this Colloquium.
invited by Yuri Shprits
***Due to the current pandemic this colloquium will be conducted online.…
more ›Global sensitivity analysis in environmental modeling
Kim Aleksandra, ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland online10:15 -11:15
In today’s complex world and economy, international supply chains of goods cause global environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a well…
more ›MaRDI - The Mathematical Research Data Initiative within the NFDI
Karsten Tabelow, WIAS Berlin online10:15 - 11:15
Like in all scientific disciplines research data in mathematics has become vast, it is complex and multifaceted, and, through the successful…
more ›Likelihood-based estimation, model selection, and forecasting of integer-valued trawl processes
Almut Veraart, Imperial College London online10:15 - 11:15
The class of integer-valued trawl processes has recently been introduced for modelling univariate and multivariate integer-valued time series with…
more ›Understanding and predicting global biodiversity dynamics
Damaris Zurell, University of Potsdam online10:15 - 11:15
Almost 200 years ago, Alexander von Humboldt said in his famous Cosmos series that „all natural forces are linked together, and made mutually…
more ›Analysis of stochastic gradient descent in continuous time
Jonas Latz, University of Cambridge, UK online10:15 - 11:15
Stochastic gradient descent is an optimisation method that combines classical gradient descent with random subsampling within the target functional.…
more ›Data assimilation simulation in cell biophysics problems
Tatsuo Shibata, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan online10:15 - 11:15
Cellular signal transduction system is a complex reaction network consisting of many elements, which allows cells to respond appropriately to…
more ›Stability of UQ and Bayesian inverse problems
Bjoern Sprungk, TU Bergakademie Freiberg online10:15 - 11:15
For partial differential equations with random coefficients we investigate the sensitivity of the distribution of the random solution with respect to…
more ›Kick-off Meeting 2nd Phase
We are kicking of the 2nd Phase of our SFB with a 1,5 day Kick-Off Event on the 14th and 15th of September!
This includes our annual meeting, poster…
more ›Towards next generation data assimilation algorithms for convective scale applications
Tijana Janjic Pfander, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - 14:00
The initial state for a geophysical numerical model is produced by combining observational data with numerical model simulation using a data…
more ›Transport methods for simulation-based inference and data assimilation
Youssef Marzouk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Many practical Bayesian inference problems fall into the "likelihood-free" setting, where evaluations of the likelihood function or prior density are…
more ›An Introduction to Actor Critic Methods for Optimal Control
Sean Meyn, University of Florida, USA 2.27.10116:00 - 17:00
The goal of actor critic methods is to estimate the best policy among a parameterized family for a controlled Markov chain. Through the magic of…
more ›Theoretical perspectives on actin waves
Arik Yochelis, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel - 11:45
invited by Carsten Beta
more ›On recently developed non-Gaussian priors and sampling methods with application to industrial tomography
Lassi Roininen, Technische Universität Lappeenranta, Finland - 11:15
We consider two sets of new priors for Bayesian inversion and machine learning: The first one is based on mixture of experts models with Gaussian…
more ›4th Kalman Lecture with Mihaela van der Schaar
Mihaela van der Schaar, University of Cambridge, UK 3.06.H05 (Campus Griebnitzsee, building 6, lecture hall 05)10:15 - 11:30
Quantitative epistemology: conceiving a new human-machine partnership
Quantitative epistemology is a new and transformational area of research…
more ›Gaussian likelihoods for ’intractable’ situations
Heikki Haario, Technische Universität Lappeenranta, Finland (Campus Golm, building 28, room 0.108)10:00 - 11:00
Various modelling situations – including chaotic dynamics, stochastic differential equations, random patterns such as produced by the Turing…
more ›Coarse-graining of complex systems with parameter uncertainties
Carsten Hartmann, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (builing 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
Complex dynamical systems like molecular systems or stochastic climate systems often involve a variety of different time and length scales. We propose…
more ›Some statistical inference results for interacting particle models in a mean-field limit
Marc Hoffmann, Université Paris-Dauphine, France hybrid event, in person at WIAS (please register) and online; please contact Andrea Fiebig (fiebig[at] for details10:00 - 12:00
We propose a systematic | theoretical | statistical analysis for systems of interacting
diffusions, possibly with common noise and/or degenerate…
A modified discrepancy principle to attain optimal rates under white noise
Tim Jahn, Universität Bonn, Germany HU, Johann von Neumann-Haus (Rudower Chaussee 25), room: 3.00813:15 - 14:45
We consider a linear ill-posed equation in the Hilbert space setting under white noise. Known convergence results for the discrepancy principle are…
more ›Parameter Estimation for Semilinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Gregor Pasemann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin online via zoom, please contact Prof. S. Reich for the link10:15 - 11:15
A theory of parametric inference for semilinear stochastic partial differential equations is developed, with special emphasis put on diffusivity…
more ›Towards Interactive AI-based Decision Support Systems
Enkelejda Kasneci, University of Tübingen (building 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
The use of AI has improved computer-aided diagnosis systems in many areas. However, the underlying models are often black boxes that allow the user…
more ›A duality formulation for filter stability
Jin Won Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA online via Zoom, pls contact Wilhelm Stannat if you would like to join16:15
In this talk, I revisit the problem of filter stability based on certain dual optimal control-type reformulations of the nonlinear filtering problem.
Hypothesis testing on high-dimensional spheres: the Le Cam approach
Davy Paindaveine, Univerité libres de Bruxelles, Belgium hybrid, online- please contact Andrea Fiebig (HU) for the zoom link10:00 - 12:00
Hypothesis testing in high dimensions has been a most active research topics in the last
decade. Both theoretical and practical considerations make it…
The Dynamics of Controlled Atoms and Molecules
Anja Seegebrecht, University of Potsdam online via Zoom, please contact Christian Riedel for details10:00 - 10:45
Our long term student assistant, Anja Seegebrecht, from project Z03 will give an overview over the topic of her master thesis, which was conducted at…
more ›Analyzing Multi-Messenger Astronomy Data to reveal fundamental Properties of the Cosmos
Tim Dietrich, University of Potsdam (building 28, room 0.108)10:15 - 11:30
Neutron stars are among the most compact objects in the Universe and the detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merger…
more ›