Spring School 2018


The SFB will organize annually a Spring School during which all members of the SFB learn about recent scientific advances from our guest speakers and have time to advance collaboration across projects. The program includes talks and lectures, exercises, poster sessions and a social activity. A number of places will be openly advertised for external PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers to participate in the Spring School.

The first SFB Spring School will take place at the TUI Blue Fleesensee Hotel at the Mecklenburg Lake District in the week from the 19th to the 23rd of March 2018.

Our invited guests are:

  • <link http: aeroastro.mit.edu faculty-research faculty-list youssef-m-marzouk _blank>Prof. Youssef Marzouk from the MIT
  • <link http: www.damtp.cam.ac.uk user cbs31 home.html _blank>Prof. Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb from the University of Cambridge
  • <link http: math.univ-lille1.fr _blank>Prof. David Dereudre from Université Lille 1

The program can be found <link file:342>here. It consists of lectures by our guest speakers, exercises in small mixed projects groups, a poster session to present own result or project plans and a social afternoon activity.


The presentations from the lecturers can be found <link https: sfb1294.math.uni-potsdam.de open-science presentations>here, in the Open Science section.


We organized a bus, which will go from Potsdam main station directly to the hotel and leaves on Sunday the 18th of March at 3.30 pm. Please be there at 3.15 pm to make sure we can depart on time.

On Friday, after lunch at 2 pm, the bus will take us back from the Fleesensee to Potsdam main station. The drive takes approx. two hours and we will arrive in Potsdam around 4 pm, depending on traffic.

If you wish to travel separately please arrive at the hotel in the evening of the 18th of March, as lectures start in the morning session on Monday. The Mecklenburg Lake District is located 2.5 hours north of Potsdam when traveling by train and shuttle (shuttle has to be self-organized) and 1.5 travelling by car.

Application for external participants (closed)

A number of places are available for external graduate student and early career researchers (5 years after PhD). All local expenses and travel expenses of up to 500 € /800 € (Europe/other) will be covered by the SFB. Applications including a letter of interest (max. 500 words) and CV in a single PDF file should be sent to sfb1294@uni-Potsdam.de by the 10th of February.

Find the flyer <link file:350>here.