1st SFB Spring School
The first Spring School of the SFB 1294 took place in Göhren-Lebbin on the edge of the Fleesensee from the 18th to the 23rd of March. Altogether 55 scientist, including guests, SFB members, associated researchers and external early career researchers participated. In the mornings our three invited guests, <link http: www.damtp.cam.ac.uk people c.b.schoenlieb _blank>Prof. Dr. Carola Schönlieb, <link http: aeroastro.mit.edu faculty-research faculty-list youssef-m-marzouk _blank>Prof. Dr. Youssef Marzouk and <link http: math.univ-lille1.fr _blank>Prof. Dr. David Dereudre, gave lectures on Topics in Mathematical Imaging, Bayesian inference and inverse problems and Theory of Gibbs Point Process. The afternoons were filled with exercises working with data used in the SFB, project meetings, discussions and an excursion to Malchow on Wednesday afternoon. The integrated research training group met and voted for their representatives, which are Theresa Lange for the PhDs and Sahani Pathiraja for the Postdocs, for the next year.
The presentations given by our three invited guests can be found <link https: sfb1294.math.uni-potsdam.de open-science presentations _blank>here.