2nd Roboter Coder Dojo
The second SFB1294 Roboter Coder Dojo took place on Sunday, the 04.03., and even more kids attended with their parents than last time. The mentors of the Roboter Dojo came up with new and improved station for even more fun. The <link https: www.uni-potsdam.de mint _blank>STEM-promotion team of the University of Potsdam also created two new ‘robot- licenses’, one for the Roberta robot and another one for the small Calliope robots. All together three different ‘robot-licenses’ can be acquired now! Why not stop by at the next Roboter Dojo, which will take part within the frame of the <link https: www.potsdamertagderwissenschaften.de _blank>Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften in a slightly adapted form and have a look?
Our Roboter Coder Dojo is suitable for children starting at an age of 5. Parents need to supervise their children. Find more information <link https: zen.coderdojo.com dojos de potsdam potsdam-sfb-129-4 _blank>here.