Career Day 2017 “Scientific Life Balance”

The SFB 1294 was one of the co-organizers for the Geo.X Career Day 2017. The theme of this year’s career day is a highly relevant one for many – but not only – junior scientist as indicated by the large number of attendees.

The interactive Open Space Sessions focused on ten different aspects with our PI Dr Jana de Wiljes hosting the session on “How to combine family and PhD”.

In the afternoon a podiums discussion with Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert (University of Potsdam), Dr. Neela Enke (Coachingnetz Wissenschaft), Dr. Corinna Fuhrich-Grubert (HU Berlin), Dr. Ines Medved (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and Prof. Dr. Christian Thomsen (President of the TU Berlin) took place including discussions with the participants.

Interested in the topic and program? See the <link https: career-day-2017>Geo.X website

A short movie capturing the day and some insights.