Opening Celebration on the 4th of July 2017

The University of Potsdam and its partner institutes, the GeoForschungsZentrum, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the Technische Universität Berlin, the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and the Weierstrass Institute Berlin celebrated the Opening of the collaborative research centre 1294 ‘Data Assimilation – the seamless integration of data and models’, which was granted by the DFG in June. The initial funding period is for four year until June 2021. The six scientific projects in project area A focus on the theory and Algorithms, while the five project in project area B will investigate the algorithms and applications. The central project includes an Integrated Research Graduate School, the central data infrastructure and a coordination office.

The principal investigators, project members and university officials got together, discussed planed projects and prospective work and the minister for science, education and culture Dr. Martina Münch, the president of the University of Potsdam Prof. Oliver Günther and the speaker of the SFB 1294 Prof. Sebastian Reich used the chance to thank everybody involved in preparation of the DFG proposal, which led to the funding of the SFB 1294.

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