News in 2019
Help our little robots save Christmas

Our next CoderDojo will take place on Saturday the 30.11. from 11 am to 3 pm. Can you help our little robots to save Christmas? A whole bunch of new… more ›
Career Day on 'Research-based job opportunities'

We co-organized the 3. Career Day that took place on the 7th of November with the overarching headline “Research-based job opportunities – new careers… more ›
Successful first SPDE Workshop

In September, members of the SFB and Igor Cialenco from the Illinois Institute of Technology organised together the first workshop on statistics for… more ›
2. Jamboree of the IRTG

From September 25th to September 27 the Feld-Wald-und-Wiesen-Schule in Brandenburg witnessed the second edition of the Jamboree of the SFB 1294. This… more ›
Statistical Inference for Stochastic PDEs - Registration Open!

Registration for the workshop on Statistical Inference for Stochastic PDEs co-organized by Randolf Altmeyer, Markus Reiß and Wilhelm Stannat, members… more ›
Potsdamer Day of Science 2019 at the University of Potsdam

Once a year the research institutes, including the University of Potsdam, present their work to the interested fellow citizens and give insights into… more ›
Sebastian Reich selected as SIAM 2019 Fellow

Congratulations to our SFB speaker Sebastian Reich for having been selected into the SIAM Fellows Class of 2019. The Society for Industrial and… more ›
Joint workshop with SFB1114 and TRR181

Our joint ‘Workshop on Conservation Principles, Data and Uncertainty in Atmosphere-Ocean Modelling’ of the TRR 181, SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 took place… more ›
2nd SpringSchool

Our 2nd SpringSchool took place at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen from the 18.03. to the 22.03.2019, where 60 members and associated members of the SFB,… more ›
Workshops und lectures on Data Assimiation - the CRM 50th anniversary program

Data Assimilation and related topics are at the focus of a month-long program at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) of the University of… more ›
Exhibition in the Potsdam City

We give a little insight into what we do in one of the applied projects of the SFB 1294 in the exhibiton 'Science in the City Center' (Wissenschaft im… more ›
Short course on Lévy Processes

Dr. Ester Mariucci will give a 2-part short course on Lévy Processes on the 31st of January and 07th of February 2019 from 14:15 to 17:45 The exercise… more ›
Fellowships 2nd SpringSchool

The second annual SFB Spring School will take place from the 18th to the 22nd of March 2019 at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen. Our invited guests for the… more ›