Melina Freitag is speaker of the CRC

The CRC 1294 started the new year with restructures in the leading team. Melina Freitag is speaker of the CRC and will be supported by Han Lie as vice… more ›
CRC Summer School 2024 in Boltenhagen

The CRC International Summer School 2024 took place from September 16th to 20th at the Lindner Hotels & Resorts Boltenhagen. Set in the beautiful… more ›
Jakiw Pidstrigach successfully defended his PhD thesis

Congratulations to Jakiw Pidstrigach who successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Diverse Paths, One Destination A Study of Modern Sampling Methods"… more ›
Josie König successfully applied for a Fulbright Grant

Congratulations to Josie König (PhD candidate in project A07) who succesfully applied for a Fulbright Germany Grant. With this Grant, Josie will… more ›
Focus Retreat on Hiddensee 2024

The 3rd Focus Retreat on Hiddensee took place from 4th to 8th of April, 2024. Sebastian Reich (Z01, A02, A06, B03, B09) invited Jan Albrecht (B07),… more ›
3rd IRTG Jamboree

From March 13th to 15th, the PhD students and Postdocs of the IRTG as well as associated members traveled to Thuringia for their annual Jamboree. They… more ›
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24)

The SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ24) took place in Trieste (Italy) from February 27th to March 1st and our CRC members used this… more ›
3rd Data Think Tank

Our 3rd Data Think Tank took place at the Potsdamer Wissenschaftsetage on February 14th and 15th. This year, the Think Tank was an internal event with… more ›
Call for SFB 1294 short-term fellowships in 2024

The Collaborative Research Centre SFB1294 “Data Assimilation - The Seamless Integration of Data and Models” in Potsdam, Germany, invites applications… more ›
Jin W. Kim won CSL PhD Thesis Award

Congratulations to Jin W. Kim (project A02) who won the CSL PhD Thesis Award from the University of Illinois for his thesis entitled "Duality for… more ›
Focus Retreat on Hiddensee 2023

This year a Focus Retreat on Hiddensee took place again. Jan Albrecht (B07), Diksha Bhandari (B09), Katherine Briceno Guerrero (B08), Gottfried… more ›
2nd IRTG Jamboree

PhD candidates, Postdocs, and guests of the Centre met from September 6th to 8th at the KiEZ Inselparadies for the 2nd IRTG Jamboree. The event was… more ›
Modern Approaches in SPDEs & Data Assimilation

The workshop on Modern Approaches in SPDEs & Data Assimilation took place from July 3rd to 8th in Sibiu, Romania. The event was organized by the… more ›
Lisa Schwetlick successfully defended her thesis

Congratulations to Lisa Schwetlick who successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Data Assimilation for Neurocognitive Models of Eye Movement" on June… more ›
The SFB 1294 at the EGU General Assembly 2023 in Vienna

Our doctoral candidates Angelica Maria Castillo Tibocha and Marina Garcia Penaranda from the B06 as well as Giuseppe Carere from project A07… more ›
Sebastian Reich in the directors team of the new ELLIS Unit Potsdam

The University of Potsdam joins the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS). ELLIS was founded in 2018 and aims to ensure the… more ›
DDE Programme at Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge started in January
In January, the INI Programme "The mathematical and statistical foundation of future data-driven engineering" has been started. This program is… more ›
Angelica M. Castillo Tibocha was awarded with the EGU 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award

Congratulations to Angelica M. Castillo Tibocha from project B06. We are proud that Angelica was awarded with the EGU 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD… more ›
Focus Retreat on Hiddensee 2022

This focus retreat took place from October 8 to 11, 2022, at the Biological Station Hiddensee of the University of Greifswald on the beautiful island… more ›
Kick-off of the SFB Potsdam DA Days in 2022

We were delighted to welcome about 100 participants at the 1st Potsdam DA Days, the Symposium on Inverse Problems, from 19th to 21st of September,… more ›
Article by Jakiw Pidstrigach accepted for NeurIPS 2022

Congratulations! We are proud that Jakiw Pidstrigach's article "Score-Based Generative Models Detect Manifolds" (abstract below, arxiv link) has been… more ›
1st IRTG Jamboree of the new cohort

From September 7th to September 9th the KiEZ Inselparadies in Petzow witnessed the first Jamboree of the new cohort of the SFB 1294. This event aimed… more ›
5th Kálmán Lecture with Nicolas Chopin

We are happy that Nicolas Chopin (ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France) visited our CRC for one week and that we welcomed him as speaker for… more ›
Jana de Wiljes was awarded the title of Docent

Congratulations! We are proud that Jana de Wiljes, PI on A02, A03, B06 and B08, was awarded the title of Docent for Mathematics for Machine Learning… more ›
A01 and B02 at the 3rd Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems in Madrid

In June 2022, Carsten Beta (PI of A01, B02 and B07), Wilhelm Stannat (PI of A01 and A02), and Gregor Pasemann (Postdoc in A01) participated at the 3rd… more ›
SFB Focus Retreat of A01 and B02

The focus retreat of project A01 (Markus Reiß, Wilhelm Stannat, Gregor Pasemann, Jan Szalankiewicz, and associated member Sascha Gaudlitz) and project… more ›
Registration open for the Symposium on Inverse Problems as part of the newly established Potsdam DA Days

The Symposium on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back will take place in Potsdam (Campus Griebnitzsee) as part of the newly… more ›
1st SFB Data Think Tank Event

New format - SFB Data Think Tank Event: The Data Think Tank is organized by the IRTG and aims to bring together mathematicians and scientists from… more ›
Joint Conference on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back

New format - Potsdam Data Assimilation Days: Our joint ‘Conference on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back’, co-organized the … more ›
6-month programme at Newton Institute approved

The Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge ( has approved a 6-month programme on the statistical and mathematical foundation of future… more ›
We are hiring!

We are looking for 8 new doctoral researchers and 2 postdoctoral researchers to join the SFB and the integrated research training group for the second… more ›
Kick-Off Meeting for the 2nd Phase

We are kicking of the 2nd Phase of our SFB with a 1,5 day Kick-Off Event on the 14th and 15th of September! This includes our annual meeting, poster… more ›
GAMM Workshop - Registration Open

The 21th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will take place at the University of Potsdam on the 16th and 17th… more ›
DFG funds second phase

Last Friday, the 21st of May, the DFG decided to support our SFB 1294 for a second funding period! We are delighted that we will be able to continue… more ›
Paper by Schwetlick et al. named Paper of the Month by the university's Research Focus Cognitive Science

The paper "Modeling the effects of perisaccadic attention of gaze statistics during scene viewing” of our doctoral researcher Lisa Schwetlick and our… more ›
Covid-19 study published!

The study our PIs Ralf Engbert and Sebastian Reich on Sequential Data Assimilation of the Stochastic SEIR Epidemic Model for Regional COVID-19… more ›
Mini Seminar Series on "Non-Gaussian large scale Bayesian inversion"

Our PI Jana de Wiljes organised a Mini Seminiar Series together with the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), which will take place on… more ›
Alexandra Carpentier receives von Kaven-Ehrenpreis 2020

Congratulations! We are very proud that our PI Alexandra Carpentier received the von Kaven Ehrenpreis 2020 awarded by the DFG for her work on the… more ›
Online talk of PhD researcher Lisa Schwetlick at VSS 2020

Our PhD researcher Lisa Schwetlick recorded her talk on 'Adding Attentional Mechanisms to a Scan Path Model' for the Vision Sciences Society (VSS)… more ›
DFG 2020 – für das Wissen entscheiden

Unter dem Motto „Gemeinsam #fürdasWissen“ verweist die DFG auf 100 Jahre freie, erkenntnisgeleitete Wissenschaft, welche durch selbstverwaltete und… more ›
Research stay at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago

From January to March 2020 our PhD student Gregor Pasemann from project A01 went for a research stay to the Illinois Institute of Technology in… more ›
New study on Covid-19 modelling

Our PIs Ralf Engbert and Sebastian Reich together with Maximilian Rabe and Reinhold Kliegl just published the preprint to a study where they modelled… more ›
GAMM Workshop - Registration Open!

The 20th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will take place at the University of Potsdam on the 24th and 25th… more ›
postponed to 2021 - Potsdamer Day of Science - 09. May 20

*Please note that the PTDW 2020 has been cancelled due to the current Corona pandemic* - Details are available on the PTDW webpage This year the… more ›
Research stay in Lille

During three weeks in December, our postdoc Pierre Houdebert, from project A05, did a research at the University of Lille, France, to work with Prof.… more ›
SFB Event 10.01 - 12pm: Combining the academic career with a normal (family-) life

We are very happy to have Julianne Chung and Matthias Chung from Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA) as guest for… more ›
Help our little robots save Christmas

Our next CoderDojo will take place on Saturday the 30.11. from 11 am to 3 pm. Can you help our little robots to save Christmas? A whole bunch of new… more ›
Career Day on 'Research-based job opportunities'

We co-organized the 3. Career Day that took place on the 7th of November with the overarching headline “Research-based job opportunities – new careers… more ›
Successful first SPDE Workshop

In September, members of the SFB and Igor Cialenco from the Illinois Institute of Technology organised together the first workshop on statistics for… more ›
2. Jamboree of the IRTG

From September 25th to September 27 the Feld-Wald-und-Wiesen-Schule in Brandenburg witnessed the second edition of the Jamboree of the SFB 1294. This… more ›
Statistical Inference for Stochastic PDEs - Registration Open!

Registration for the workshop on Statistical Inference for Stochastic PDEs co-organized by Randolf Altmeyer, Markus Reiß and Wilhelm Stannat, members… more ›
Potsdamer Day of Science 2019 at the University of Potsdam

Once a year the research institutes, including the University of Potsdam, present their work to the interested fellow citizens and give insights into… more ›
Sebastian Reich selected as SIAM 2019 Fellow

Congratulations to our SFB speaker Sebastian Reich for having been selected into the SIAM Fellows Class of 2019. The Society for Industrial and… more ›
Joint workshop with SFB1114 and TRR181

Our joint ‘Workshop on Conservation Principles, Data and Uncertainty in Atmosphere-Ocean Modelling’ of the TRR 181, SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 took place… more ›
2nd SpringSchool

Our 2nd SpringSchool took place at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen from the 18.03. to the 22.03.2019, where 60 members and associated members of the SFB,… more ›
Workshops und lectures on Data Assimiation - the CRM 50th anniversary program

Data Assimilation and related topics are at the focus of a month-long program at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) of the University of… more ›
Exhibition in the Potsdam City

We give a little insight into what we do in one of the applied projects of the SFB 1294 in the exhibiton 'Science in the City Center' (Wissenschaft im… more ›
Short course on Lévy Processes

Dr. Ester Mariucci will give a 2-part short course on Lévy Processes on the 31st of January and 07th of February 2019 from 14:15 to 17:45 The exercise… more ›
Fellowships 2nd SpringSchool

The second annual SFB Spring School will take place from the 18th to the 22nd of March 2019 at the Ostseehotel Dierhagen. Our invited guests for the… more ›
Joint Workshop of TRR 181, SFB 1114 and SFB 1294 - Registration now open!

This three-day workshop will review our state of knowledge on energy budgets and energy transfers in the climate system and how they are … more ›
SFBs turn 50!

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC/SFB) of the German Research Foundation, DFG, turned 50 this year. The two speakers, Prof. Isabell Wartenburger… more ›
Our next Coder Dojo is coming up in January!

Our next CoderDojo will take place on Sunday the 12th of January from 11am to 3pm. Come and join us to learn more about the robots Dash and Dot or… more ›
RingVL 'Interdisciplinary Mathematics' this term

Interested in what we do in the SFB 1294 and what concepts are behind the research in the different projects? Our RingVL will start this week, with… more ›
First SFB 1294 Jamboree

From the 19th until 21st of September the PhD students and PostDocs of the SFB1294 assembled at Kiez Bollmannsruh in Brandenburg for their first… more ›
Annual Kálmán Lecture established

We are pleased to announce that the 1st Kalman Lecture will take place on the 24th of August, 2018. The Kalman Lecture will be established as an… more ›
Zukunftstag 2018

The SFB constructed a programming challenge with robots in the framework of the 'Zukunftstag' at the University of Potsdam, which was organized by the… more ›
1st SFB Spring School

The first Spring School of the SFB 1294 took place in Göhren-Lebbin on the edge of the Fleesensee from the 18th to the 23rd of March. Altogether 55… more ›
2nd Roboter Coder Dojo

The second SFB1294 Roboter Coder Dojo took place on Sunday, the 04.03., and even more kids attended with their parents than last time. The mentors of… more ›
1st SFB 1294 Roboter Coder Dojo

The first Roboter Coder Dojo took place last Sunday and was a lot of fun for everybody involved. Around 15 kids from age 5 to 14, accompanied by their… more ›
Career Day 2017 “Scientific Life Balance”

The SFB 1294 was one of the co-organizers for the Geo.X Career Day 2017. The theme of this year’s career day is a highly relevant one for many – but… more ›
Kick-off Workshop

The members of the SFB 1294 and several interested and associated scientists came together to kick off the collaborative research centre in a two-day… more ›
First SFB focus retreat

We went on the first SFB focus retreat in the beautiful Elbsandsteingebirge at the beginning of September to foster collaborations between projects… more ›
Opening Celebration on the 4th of July 2017

The University of Potsdam and its partner institutes, the GeoForschungsZentrum, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the Technische Universität Berlin,… more ›