News in 2022
Angelica M. Castillo Tibocha was awarded with the EGU 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award

Congratulations to Angelica M. Castillo Tibocha from project B06. We are proud that Angelica was awarded with the EGU 2022 Outstanding Student and PhD… more ›
Focus Retreat on Hiddensee 2022

This focus retreat took place from October 8 to 11, 2022, at the Biological Station Hiddensee of the University of Greifswald on the beautiful island… more ›
Kick-off of the SFB Potsdam DA Days in 2022

We were delighted to welcome about 100 participants at the 1st Potsdam DA Days, the Symposium on Inverse Problems, from 19th to 21st of September,… more ›
Article by Jakiw Pidstrigach accepted for NeurIPS 2022

Congratulations! We are proud that Jakiw Pidstrigach's article "Score-Based Generative Models Detect Manifolds" (abstract below, arxiv link) has been… more ›
1st IRTG Jamboree of the new cohort

From September 7th to September 9th the KiEZ Inselparadies in Petzow witnessed the first Jamboree of the new cohort of the SFB 1294. This event aimed… more ›
5th Kálmán Lecture with Nicolas Chopin

We are happy that Nicolas Chopin (ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France) visited our CRC for one week and that we welcomed him as speaker for… more ›
Jana de Wiljes was awarded the title of Docent

Congratulations! We are proud that Jana de Wiljes, PI on A02, A03, B06 and B08, was awarded the title of Docent for Mathematics for Machine Learning… more ›
A01 and B02 at the 3rd Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems in Madrid

In June 2022, Carsten Beta (PI of A01, B02 and B07), Wilhelm Stannat (PI of A01 and A02), and Gregor Pasemann (Postdoc in A01) participated at the 3rd… more ›
SFB Focus Retreat of A01 and B02

The focus retreat of project A01 (Markus Reiß, Wilhelm Stannat, Gregor Pasemann, Jan Szalankiewicz, and associated member Sascha Gaudlitz) and project… more ›
Registration open for the Symposium on Inverse Problems as part of the newly established Potsdam DA Days

The Symposium on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back will take place in Potsdam (Campus Griebnitzsee) as part of the newly… more ›
1st SFB Data Think Tank Event

New format - SFB Data Think Tank Event: The Data Think Tank is organized by the IRTG and aims to bring together mathematicians and scientists from… more ›
Joint Conference on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back

New format - Potsdam Data Assimilation Days: Our joint ‘Conference on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back’, co-organized the … more ›